About Zoo Med
43 years in the making Zoo Med is a story of passion and discovery. It all started with a young Gary Bagnall exploring the creek near his home in northern California and the delight he found in the bustling local habitat of frogs and toads. The Outdoors called to him and he found peace and happiness there. Discovering creatures and studying their habitats sparked a flame in him that has yet to die out and one that he has been passionate about sharing with others.
The wonder he discovered from his days in the creek, the skills he gathered from working at pet and fish shops in his youth, and the sense of community he found in breeding and trading reptiles with others from around the world all collaborated in Gary’s vision that became Zoo Med Laboratories; the pinnacle in innovative pet care for reptiles and exotic pets for pet owners and conservationists worldwide.
When asked about the early development of Zoo Med, he said “Never in a million years would I have imagined myself here or that this is what I would be doing. I think I am good at putting good people together and allowing them to create magic.” The team that makes up Zoo Med shares Gary’s passion to share and discover the splender of these often overlooked specimens. We love our animals and they are, of course, the center of what we do, but it’s the team that brings it all together and makes Gary’s, and our dreams come true. With the creation and evolution of Zoo Med Laboratories, Gary’s story of discovery has now come full-circle, and Zoo Med has the unique opportunity to inspire the next generation of explorers.
Gary said, “To me, it has never been about the destination, but the journey. I have gotten to do amazing things, and each one led to the next. And now, here I am!” So where does the journey lead from here? Inspiring young people to go outside and care for nature.
In today’s world, not everyone has the opportunity to discover creatures or explore the outdoors. We hope that our philosophy of bringing a bit of nature inside will help bridge the disconnect from the natural world that can so easily happen when engulfed in technology and our otherwise busy lives.