Winner for Best Natural Sweetener in Taste For Life Essentials 2021!
Who says eating healthy can't be delightfulThe syrup of the yacon root offers a low glycemic index, low calories, and active weight-loss benefits. Its secret lies in a hard-to-pronounce ingredient called fructooligosaccharide (FOS). As a powerful prebiotic, FOS reaches the colon unmetabolized and nourishes the good bacteria in your system. In turn, a healthy gut microbiome has profound benefits on your health and well-being.
THE ZINT DIFFERENCE: Our yacon plants can be found thriving in ideal conditions on family-owned farms on the northern coast of Peru. Once harvested, the roots are peeled and pressed, and the fresh juice is heat-reduced to a dark, nutrient-rich, honey-like yacon syrup extract that concentrates yacon's many health benefits.
HOW TO USE IT: Sweet and delicious, our pure yacon syrup makes for a perfect substitute for honey or maple syrup. Drizzle this yacon supplement over yogurt, sweeten your morning coffee, give your smoothies a sweet kick, or integrate yacon sweetener into your favorite recipes.
- â…” cup of Zint Yacon Syrup
- 5 cups rolled oats (can also use rolled spelt or kamut)
- 1 cup raw, hulled seeds + 1 cup raw nuts, chopped + 1 cup dried berries or fruit
- 2 cups dried, unsweetened coconut flakes
- 1 tsp spices (recommended: cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamon)
- â…“ cup extra virgin olive oil
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
DIRECTIONS: Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper. In a large bowl, combine oats, seeds, nuts, spices, and coconut. In a small pot, combine oil and yacon syrup over low heat to emulsify. Take off heat, add vanilla, and stir again. Pour evenly over dry mixture and mix well. Spread granola out on two baking sheets, and bake for 15 minutes. Take out and stir around, then return to oven for another 15 minutes. Remove from oven, cool, and stir in dried fruit or berries. And that's it! Eat on its own as cereal, mix into yogurt, or just keep a little container handy for midday snacks. It's also perfect on road trips or as something to nibble on during hikes.