Do you know...
In the year 1905 Stamen Grigorov made his famous discovery of the causative agent of the milk fermentation. His scientific advisor Prof. Massol immediately wrote a letter to Prof. Ilya Mechnikov at the Institute Pasteur, Paris: "Persistence and tenacity in the scientific work and research are distinguishing features of my Bulgarian co-worker and assistant Stamen Grigorov… After a number of successive experiments, he was able to discover and isolate the causative agent of Bulgarian yoghurt. Your work is inspired by the striving to discover a mean to increase the human life longevity. Besides your remarkable "phagocytes" you should think about the Bulgarian yoghurt and this rod-like bacillus discovered from Stamen Grigorov, which I have also observed microscopically. It might be useful for your studies.".
During his investigation, Stamen Grigorov discovered two more bacterial species: streptobacillus and micrococcus - Streptococcus thermophilus. They co-exist with the lactobacilli in Bulgarian yoghurt in natural symbiosis.
In return to the Prof. Massol's letter, Prof. Mechnikov sent immediately an invitation to Stamen Grigorov to visit The Institute Pasteur. In the big lecture hall there, Stamen Grigorov reported the discovery of the lactobacilli. For scientific demonstration, he brought with him Bulgarian yoghurt and a microscope. The direction of Pasteur Institute entrusted Prof. Mechnikov with the task to confirm independently the discovery of Stamen Grigorov and to report the results to the Scientific Council of the institute. Three years later this resulted in a scientific publication: "Some notes regarding the yoghurt" printed in Les Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, 1908. Soon afterwards Coendi, Mikelson, Luerson and Koen, Mechnikov's scientific assistants, named the microorganism discovered by Stamen Grigorov ''Bacillus bulgaricus'' or "Bulgarian milk bacterium".
Mechnikov explained the exaggerated life longevity of Bulgarians with the beneficial health effects of Bulgarian yoghurt.
Nowadays under the designation "Bulgarian yoghurt" one understands fermented milk products, obtained as a result of the activity of symbiotic culture of Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. The lactic acid fermentation, caused by those two bacterial species, induces profound changes in the milk content. The fermentation products exhibit positive health effects on the human organism. Scientific investigations demonstrated that yoghurt consumption influences positively the balance of the microbial population in the human intestine. It facilitates the assimilation of lactose and stimulates the immune system. Metabolites produced by Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus during the fermentation process lead to increasing of the cell counts of healthy and beneficial intestinal microorganisms.