Yayayoung Shaker Bottle with Whisk Balls Gorgeous and Well-Designed!Whisks Mixers mixer including shaker Bottle.Easy to Clean, Scratch Resistant, Durable and Safe.They are Built Strong They are Built to Last.AT YAYYOUNG You Can Expect The Highest Quality Products With A Customer Service Like No Other.Check in with us by email if you have any questions.We have a reputation We back Our Products and We will reply you in 24 hours.Screw-on Lid Creates Leak-Proof Seal, and Flip Cap Snaps Securely Shut to Keep Contents Contained Loop Top for Easy Carrying Yayayoung is a Wonderful Choice!Wide Mouth Makes It Easy to Add Mix Scoops and Liquids, and Embossed Markings Measure Both Ounces and Milliliters 13.5-Once Capacity (Note: Measurements ONLY Go to 12 Ounces) Shaker Cups for Mixing Protein Shakes, Smoothies, And Supplements.YAYOPON IDE Gift for Sport LoversThis Shaker bottle looks classic and practical, very nicely attractive for everyone, advantage with a perfect appearance and satisfied function, will certainly be the most popular gift for you.Easy to clean: scratch -resistant, durable and safe.They are built strongly They are built for a long time.Broad mouth: Gym Shaker with makes it easier to add mixed spoons and liquids, and embossed markings measure both ounces and milliliters.YAYOUNG Shaker bottle: Who can say no to such a beautiful protein ShakerThere are many color combinations to choose from.Everyone is always popular.I want everything.Drink water with this bottle, the water seems to have a delicious taste.BPA free: Our environmentally friendly recyclable protein shaker consist of safe food contact as material.No toxic additives.They are completely tested to be free from chemical additives.AS material has the advantages of high transparency, high security and fall resistance.Fall performance category: Level C. However, if it is exposed to strong bumps or friction, the Shaker bottle can be damaged.YAYAYOUNG Shaker Bottle with Whisk Balls Gorgeous and well-designed! Whisk spiral mixers- mixer included with each shaker bottle. Easy to clean, scratch resistant, durable and safe. They are built strong they are built to last. At YAYAYOUNG you can expect the highest quality products with a customer service like no other. Check in with us by email if you have any questions. We have a reputation We back our products and we will reply you in 24 hours. Screw-on lid creates leak-proof seal, and flip cap snaps securely shut to keep contents contained loop top for easy carrying YAYAYOUNG is a wonderful choice! Wide mouth makes it easy to add mix scoops and liquids, and embossed markings measure both ounces and milliliters 13.5-Ounce capacity (note: measurements only go to 12 ounces) shaker cups for mixing protein shakes, smoothies, and supplements.YAYAYOUNG Idee Geschenk für Sport LiebhaberDiese Shaker Flasche sieht klassisch und praktisch aus, sehr schön attraktiv für alle, Vorteil mit perfektem Aussehen und zufriedener Funktion, wird sicherlich das beliebteste Geschenk für Sie sein. Einfach zu reinigen: kratzfest, langlebig und sicher. Sie sind stark gebaut Sie sind für lange Zeit gebaut. Breiter Mund: Gym shaker mit erleichtert das Hinzufügen von Mischlöffeln und Flüssigkeiten, und geprägte Markierungen messen sowohl Unzen als auch Milliliter. YAYAYOUNG Shaker Flasche: Wer kann Nein zu solch einer schönen eiweiß shaker sagenEs gibt viele Farbkombinationen für Sie zur Auswahl. Alle sind immer beliebt. Ich will alles haben. Trinken Sie Wasser mit dieser Flasche, das Wasser scheint leckerer Geschmack zu haben. BPA frei: Unsere umweltfreundlichen recycelbaren protein shaker bestehen aus sicherem Lebensmittelkontakt AS Material. Keine giftigen Zusätze. Sie sind vollständig getestet, um frei von chemischen Zusätzen zu sein. AS-Material hat die Vorteile der hohen Transparenz, der hohen Sicherheit und der Fallfestigkeit. Fallleistungskategorie: Stufe C. Wenn es jedoch starken Stößen oder Reibung ausgesetzt ist, können die shaker-flasche beschädigt werden.