Each bag carries a message and holds special meaning for the recipient. The message makes they stay strong, feel connected with their family or friends and feel such warmth from deep in their hearts. Gift for daughter/son, gifts for sister/brother, gifts for mother/father, gifts for granddaughter/grandson; gifts for wife/husband, gifts for girlfriend/boyfriend; gifts for aunt/uncle, gifts for niece/nephew, gifts for cousins; Gifts for bridesmaid, gifts for daughter in law/son in law, gifts for sister in law/brother in law, gifts for mother in law/father in law; Gifts for friends, gifts for coworkers, gifts for teacher, gifts for graduates, gifts for leader, gifts for boss, etc. We pay great attention to the shopping experience and satisfaction of our customers, if you have any problems or suggestions with our products, please feel free to contact us, we will reply to you promptly and help you to solve the problems. Your approval and encouragement is always the motivation for us to move forward. VAMSII
?Gift for Nail Salon workers?Makes a great gift, especially at holiday time or when your favorite nail technician gets back to work. Whether you are a professional, an apprentice or just love to do nails, this apron is just right!. ?Stylish nail salon apron?Add some bling to your nail tech's day, with this classy apron. Manicurists and nail technicians, need pockets for cash tips, tools, and cell phones!. ?This adorable apron makes a perfect gift for your favorite Nail artist?Perfect gift for a holiday, special birthday, Mother's Day gift or thinking of you gift. ?Size?72*68 cm (28.34*26.77inch).With its adjustable straps and large front pocket, the apron will serve as a functional accessory. ?Premium Material?The nail tech apron is made of Polyester. The fabric doesn't stick to hair and is breathable, lightweight, waterproof, durable, and soft touch.Very lightweight and breathable, even in summer, it will not be stuffy.