Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What does athlete's foot look like
A: Pictures of athlete's foot show redness, cracking and broken skin, as well as bleeding (in extreme cases) on the bottom of the feet and between the toes.
Q: How did I get athlete's foot
A: Athlete's foot is most commonly contracted by coming into contact with an infected person or an object/surface that has a fungus on it. Walking barefoot in locker rooms, public pools, or shower areas may increase the risk of contracting athlete's foot. People are most susceptible to athlete's foot when their feet are sweating or lack proper ventilation.
Q: How does Tinactin cure athlete's foot
A: The active ingredient in Tinactin (tolnaftate) prevents fungus development. Symptoms like itching, burning and cracking normally resolve quickly upon treatment. As the fungus growth is controlled, the redness will also improve. Use as directed to achieve a complete cure and minimize the risk of a new outbreak.
Q: What can I do to prevent athlete's foot
A: In addition to using an antifungal treatment like Tinactin, you should also wash feet daily with soap, keep feet dry, use powder to reduce perspiration, alternate your shoes to allow for air drying, avoid walking barefoot in public areas, and refrain from sharing towels and shoes with others.