Boots linseed oil is a pure natural product cold-pressed in food quality, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, in particular alpha-linoleic acid (C18: 3), vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin D. boots linseed oil to upgrade the daily feed ration.Tip: also try boots lein granulate or lein pellet ingredients: omega-3 fatty acids, including alpha-linolenic acid (C18: 3), vitamin A, E, d feeding recommendation: Großpferde (600 kg KGW): 30-45 ml/daily.(1 l = up to 33 days) 1 liter bottle 038731 Linseed · For Coat and Skin Linseed is Rich in omega-3 Fatty Acids, Particularly in Alpha-Linoleic Acid (C18: 3), Vitamin E and Vitamin D. LensedGranulate or Pellet is lensed cake ready for feeding.The Oil Content Has Been Gently Reduced by Cold Pressing and the Product Is Therefore Even More Digeive and Compatible.The high content of mucilage in boots lensed results in a positive effect on the digestive system as well as coat and skin, in particular when the feed is imbalanced.It may therefore provide positive support during coat changes.Feeding Recommendation Oil*: 30-45 ml per day (1 l = up to 33 day) 1 L dosing Bottle single feed, with vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin D. Natural, rich to omega-3 fatty acids.Cold pressed, 1 liter bottle, 30-45 ml per day.For natural shine, skin, hair and digestion. Stiefel Leinöl Ist ein reines Naturprodukt kaltgepresst in Lebensmittelqualität, reich an Omega-3-Fettsäuren, insbesondere der Alpha-Linolsäure (C18:3), Vitamin A, Vitamin E und Vitamin D. Stiefel Leinöl zur Aufwertung der täglichen Futterration. TIPP: Probieren Sie auch Stiefel Lein Granulat oder Lein Pellet Inhaltsstoffe: Omega-3-Fettsäuren, u.a. Alpha-Linolensäure (C18:3), Vitamin A, E, D Fütterungsempfehlung: Großpferde (600 kg KGW): 30-45 ml/tägl. (1 l = bis 33 Tage) 1 Liter Flasche 038731 LINSEED · FOR COAT AND SKIN Linseed is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, particularly in alpha-linoleic acid (C18:3), vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin D. Linseed granulate or pellet is linseed cake ready for feeding. The oil content has been gently reduced by cold pressing and the product is therefore even more digestive and compatible. The high content of mucilage in Stiefel Linseed results in a positive effect on the digestive system as well as coat and skin, in particular when the feed is imbalanced. It may also provide positive support during coat changes. Feeding recommendation oil*: 30 – 45 ml per day (1 l = up to 33 days) 1 l dosing bottleEinzelfuttermittel, mit Vitamin A, Vitamin E und Vitamin D. naturbelassen, reich an Omega-3-Fettsäuren. kaltgepresst, 1 Liter Flasche, 30-45 ml pro Tag. für natürlichen Glanz, Haut, Haar und Verdauung.Stiefel Leinöl für Fell und Verdauung, 1 Liter