How to connect?
Step 1: Connect the micro USB cable to the input device and the KVM to ensure power supply.
Step 2: Use 1 USB3.0 A-A cable and 2 HDMI2.0 cables to connect PC1 to “USB 3.0”, “HD IN 1 A” and “HD IN 1 B” ports of KVM Switch.
Step 3:Use 1 USB3.0 A-A cable and 2 HDMI2.0 cables to connect PC2 to “USB 3.0”, “HD IN 2 A” and “HD IN 2 B” ports of KVM Switch
Step 4: Use 2 HDMI2.0 cables to connect the 2 monitors to the "HD OUT A" and "HD OUT B" ports of the KVM switch.
Step 5: Plug the keyboard and mouse into the USB2.0 ports of the KVM switch.