What are Peanuts in Shells Peanuts in shells, also known as monkey nuts, are simply peanuts that are still in their shells. Peanuts in shells are a great source of energy, and are naturally high in fat. This is particularly great for wild birds during the winter months, but they can be used as a wild bird food all year round. Since the safety of wild birds is our chief priority, we only supply peanuts in shells that we are sure have come from a reputable supplier, and we reject any that have tested positive for dangerous traces of aflatoxin. Aflatoxin, a substance that can build up naturally in peanut crops, is extremely harmful to birds, and often builds up in peanuts that are older or of a lower quality. This is why we provide only the freshest possible peanuts we can to our customers. | A Treat for Many Bird Species Many species of wild birds love peanuts in shells. It can also be hugely entertaining watching any feathered visitors to your garden picking their way through the shells to reach the tasty peanuts inside. Many smaller bird species, including the blue tit, are particularly fond of peanuts in shells, and will spend a long time picking over them even when easier-to-obtain seeds or nuts are present. Not only this, but peanuts in shells can also be used as a treat for a number of cage and aviary birds, including parrots. The fact that they have to peck into the shells to reach the nuts provides not only a tasty snack, but also helps to keep them engaged and active. | Not Just for the Birds! Lots of animals other than birds can eat peanuts in shells, either as a regular food or as a tasty treat. They are great as a supplementary snack for many small animals and rodents, including hamsters, gerbils, mice and rats. They are also a fantastic food for squirrels, and will likely attract many furry friends to your garden. However, for those people who only want to feed wild birds and consider squirrels to be a nuisance, we would not recommend using peanuts in shell as a ground or table feed. If you still want to use peanuts in shells, invest in a squirrel-proof wild bird feeder, or try hanging a few peanuts in shells on strings. This will make them a tasty prospect for the small birds visiting your feeding area. |