May 12'th 2005, my life changed forever. I was driving my truck and getting ready to pull into a Gas Station, BOOM! The loudest sound and biggest jolt I had ever heard and felt in my life. The next thing I saw was a vehicle doing a cartwheel over a telephone pole. I had been hit head on by a vehicle that ran a red light and lost control at 127 MPH. It wasn't the broken neck with life long pain that would be the longest and worst effect. It was the teeth that I had swallowed when my face met the steering wheel. I was 24 years old without any dental insurance. I never had the best teeth but now I was missing a few up front, it was embarrassing. It was a couple years until I decided to do something about it. My missing teeth left me extremely self-conscious and insecure about my smile. I avoided pictures at all costs and stopped dating and speaking to people because of my smile. I noticed how people would look at me and how they would speak to me and treat me. It wasn't nice and I had to do something about it. I could not afford the expense for a partial denture. I had a friend who was a Bio major that studied plastics, she suggested that I try to make my own denture with a low temperature melting plastic compound. I did research and found a material that would be acceptable, an additionally it was developed for use inside the human body as a Cartlidge replacement and is used in surgical procedures. After several weeks a package arrived and SmileFix was born. Soon after, several people commented on my fixed smile. I would sometimes share how I fixed my smile, over time I started getting requests by people for friends who were in similar situations. I would call them and help them make a repair. I soon figured out that millions of people around the world could use SmileFix. We're not a company that created a product to make sales. We're a company that developed a product and technique to fix our smiles and to restore the confidence I needed in life. Thanks' for listening to our story. I hope you too will smile again with SmileFix!