WHY SHOULD I TAKE A WHOLE FOOD MULTIVITAMIN? -- Food today can contain as little as half of the nutrient content as vegetables and fruits measured back in the 1930’s. A whole food multivitamin supplements the nutrient “gaps” that this leaves in your diet.* Most vitamin supplements are synthetic and not easily utilized by the body. In addition, they are often derived from things like petroleum extracts and coal tar derivatives. Whole food vitamins can be more bioavailable than synthetic vitamins because they are chemically and structurally different and they come from real food. This higher bioavailability can make whole food vitamins nutritionally superior to synthetic vitamins and makes them a great option for supplementing nutrient deficiencies in your diet.* -- WHAT MAKES SILVER FERN BRAND’S WHOLE FOOD MULTIVITAMIN DIFFERENT? -- Most whole food multivitamins require 4 or more capsules for a single serving because they include the sugars and carbs from the vegetable and fruit powders. The whole food vitamin blend used by Silver Fern Brand takes the extracted micronutrients from fruits and vegetables and leaves out the extra sugars and carbs.* Silver Fern Brand’s daily serving is only two (2) capsules compared to the four (4) capsules of other comparable whole food multivitamins. Silver Fern Brand’s whole Food Multivitamins are 100% from whole foods and contain zero synthetic vitamins. -- TRACE MINERALS -- Your body and everything else in the Universe is formed from elements and minerals such as chromium, magnesium, iron, zinc, and so on. These minerals are the catalyst for our bodies to make use of healthy nutrients and help our body perform at optimal levels.* Your body needs these minerals replenished daily but, due to soil depletion and other factors, we’re no longer getting enough from our food. The minerals in Silver Fern Brand’s Whole Food Multivitamin help the body make use of the vitamins and maintain a healthy pH balance.*
Includes: Vitamins A, C, D, E, K1, B6, B12, Folate, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Biotin, Pantothentic Acid, Magnesium, Zinc, Iron, Calcium, Chromium, Vanadium and much more. *These statements have not been evaluated by the food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.*. Includes Herbal Blend That Supports Brain, Cardio & Eye Health*. Full Spectrum Vitamins - High Absorption Rate - Includes 78 Naturally Occurring Trace Minerals for Excellent Nutrition*. Extracted Micronutrients Without the Carbs & Sugar - No Fillers - Natural - Vegan - Non-GMO - GRAS Certified. Each Bottle: 60 Capsules - 2 Caps / Serving - 30 Day Supply - 100% Whole Foods Derived - No Synthetics.
Best Sellers Rank: See Top 100 in Health & Household. Specific Uses For Product: Eye Health,Blend,Brain. Number of Items: 2. Package Information: Bottle. Age Range (Description): Adult. Item Weight: 0.16 Kilograms. Item Form: Capsule. Unit Count: 2.00 Count. Primary Supplement Type: Multivitamins. Flavor: Unflavored. Brand: Silver Fern. : B072W4TV6B. Manufacturer: Silver Fern. Date First Available: June 16, 2017. Package Dimensions: 5.98 x 5.2 x 2.17 inches; 5.5 Ounces. Is Discontinued By Manufacturer: No.