Shed Defender Body Suit for Dogs - Original anti Shedding Shirt Reduce Dog Hair Dog Onesie Surgery Recovery Suit Anxiety Calming Car Seat Cover E -Collar Hot Spots Jumpsuit (Royal Blue XXS) XXS (4 - 5kg) Royal Blue

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Shed Defender Body Suit for Dogs - Original anti Shedding Shirt Reduce Dog Hair Dog Onesie Surgery Recovery Suit Anxiety Calming Car Seat Cover E -Collar Hot Spots Jumpsuit (Royal Blue XXS) XXS (4 - 5kg) Royal Blue

Regular Price: US$99.99

Special Price US$84.99

Availability: In stock

Supplier: Shed Defender

Category: Pet Supplies Dogs Clothing & Accessories





Im Rahmen des Paw it Forward-Programms wird ein Teil aller Verkäufe von Shed Defender-Produkten an wichtige Tierorganisationen gespendet. Jeden Monat wird ein anderes Adoptionszentrum, Tierheim oder eine andere Rettungsorganisation ausgewählt und vorgestellt.

Hergestellt von Hundeliebhabern Für Hundeliebhaber

Shed Defender ist ein familiengeführtes Unternehmen, das gegründet wurde, weil ein Mann seinen Hund liebte. Nachdem er seinen Welpen nicht überall hin mitnehmen konnte, weil sie zu viel vergossen hatte, entschloss er sich, einen Strampler für Hunde zu kreieren, der helfen sollte, das Schuppen zu kontrollieren und einen glücklicheren, gesünderen Lebensstil für Haustiere und ihre Besitzer zu fördern. Er erkannte bald, dass sein Produkt auch eine Reihe anderer Vorteile hatte.





Der Shed Defender Hunde-Strampler besteht aus Shed-Tex, einem proprietären recycelten Stoff, der dafür sorgt, dass das Fell dort bleibt, wo es hingehört - bei Ihrem Hund und nicht bei Ihren Möbeln oder Autositzen.

Hunde mit hoher Energie oder Angst profitieren vom gemütlichen Druck des Hunde-Stramplers. Seine beruhigenden Wirkungen können helfen, Angstzustände zu lindern und Ihren Welpen bei Gewittern, Feuerwerksshows und Trennungsangst ruhig zu halten.

Verwenden Sie den Hunde-Strampler zur Erholung von der Operation anstelle des unbequemen E-Halsbandes. Es schützt und bedeckt Wunden, Operationsstellen, Hot Spots, Wunden, Hautallergien und andere Erkrankungen und hält sie während der Genesung ruhig und angenehm.

Das Ganzkörpermaterial ist ein idealer Strampler für Hunde, die gerne draußen sind. Es schützt Welpen vor Zecken, gefährlichen Insekten, UV-Strahlen, Stöcken und Graten sowie vor hautschädigenden Bedingungen. Es hält sie auch draußen sauber.


Eco-Friendly, Sustainable Fabric: Made from our proprietary Fabric Called Shed-Tex, which is recycled polyester and spandex made from recycled plastic Bottles.Shed-Tex is Lightweight, BreataBle, and Four-Way Stretch, Ensuring the Dog Stay Cool and Comfortable.Allows for Full Mobility and does not hinder any movement for the dog.Through Our Paw It Forward Program, We Donate A Portion of Every Sale To Animal Shelters and Rescue Groups.Protection from the elements: use on hikes for tick prevention and protection from other bugs, pests, stickers and burrs.Shield from Cold Weather and Wind, Prevent Hair Freezing In The Snow, Offers UV Protection, Keeps Your Dog Clean When Outside Or at the Dog Park Or Beach.It is a must when traveling in the car and going on outdoor adventures.E Collar Replacement: The Jumpsuit Can Be Used To Replace The Bulky, Uncomfortable Medical Cone Covers Hot Spots, Post-Surry Use-Surgery Sites, Preventts Scratching, Licking and ITching, Protect and Alleviat Allergies and other Skin Conditions.Veternianran Approved and Recommended.Reduces Anxiety: The Dog Onesie's Snug Fit Applies Gentle Pressure, Making Dogs Feel More Calm, Confident and Secure.Whether Its Thunderstorms, Fireworks or separation Anxiety, The Shed Defender Can Soothe Your Pup Into Relaxation When Wearing The Calming Shirt.Contains Shedding: The Patent Pending Shed Defender Is A Onesie That Contains The Dog's Hair Within The Suit to Reduce The Shedding, While Still Allowing The Dog to Shed Naturally.Perfect Solution to Contain Dog Hair in The House, Car, Or Anywhere You Don't Want To Leave A Trail of Hair!Spend Less Time Sweeping and Vacuuming and More Time Cuddling!.

ECO-FRIENDLY, SUSTAINABLE FABRIC: Made from our proprietary fabric called Shed-Tex, which is recycled polyester and spandex made from recycled plastic bottles. Shed-Tex is lightweight, breathable, and four-way stretch, ensuring the dog stays cool and comfortable. Allows for full mobility and does not hinder any movement for the dog. Through our PAW IT FORWARD program, we donate a portion of every sale to animal shelters and rescue groups. PROTECTION FROM THE ELEMENTS: Use on hikes for tick prevention and protection from other bugs, pests, stickers and burrs. Shield from cold weather and wind, prevent hair freezing in the snow, offers UV protection, keeps your dog clean when outside or at the dog park or beach. It is a must when traveling in the car and going on outdoor adventures. E COLLAR REPLACEMENT: The jumpsuit can be used to replace the bulky, uncomfortable medical cone covers hot spots, post-surgery use – surgery sites, prevents scratching, licking and itching, protect and alleviate allergies and other skin conditions. VETERNIANRAN APPROVED AND RECOMMENDED. REDUCES ANXIETY: The dog onesie's snug fit applies gentle pressure, making dogs feel more calm, confident and secure. Whether its thunderstorms, fireworks or separation anxiety, the Shed Defender can soothe your pup into relaxation when wearing the calming shirt. CONTAINS SHEDDING: The patent pending Shed Defender is a onesie that contains the dog's hair within the suit to reduce the shedding, while still allowing the dog to shed naturally. Perfect solution to contain dog hair in the house, car, or anywhere you don't want to leave a trail of hair! Spend less time sweeping and vacuuming and more time cuddling!.

Shed Defender Body Suit for Dogs – Original –Anti Shedding Shirt, Reduce Dog Hair, Dog Onesie Surgery Recovery Suit, Anxiety, Calming, Car Seat Cover, E-Collar, Hot Spots, Jumpsuit(Royal Blue, XXS) XXS (4 - 5 kg) Royal Blue

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From Germany
To International
In 5-10 Days
US$19.99 Shipping Fees for any Order


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