HAIR-LOSS ISN'T FUN Studies show 1 in 5 Americans suffer from hair loss and it affects all of us in different ways. Whether you're less confident, embarrassed, uncomfortable, or flat out depressed, we made this product for you. There are a million and one hair loss "remedies" out there, but we're proud to offer an all-natural solution that actually works. No more pulling hair out of your shower drain. Let us help.
MAGNESIUM: NATURES #1 MIRACLE MINERAL. Magnesium is required in large amounts for virtually every living cell and every biochemical process, but thanks to our modern diets and lifestyle, we just aren't getting it. In fact, recent studies show that over 2/3rds of Americans are magnesium deficient, with some studies placing that number as high as 80%.
WHY ARE WE DEFICIENT Over time as modern industrial agriculture has grown, our soils have seen a corresponding decline in magnesium levels. The result is that there is less magnesium available in the foods we eat today compared to just over 50 years ago. This problem is compounded by the daily consumption of caffeine and modern medications, both of which leach the magnesium mineral from our systems faster than we can replace it. Magnesium is also a water-soluble mineral, meaning that every time water leaves our body, our magnesium levels are suffering.
WHY IS MAGNESIUM OIL THE BEST WAY The best way to boost your magnesium levels is to use our Pure Magnesium Oil, which is a magnesium chloride solution - the most bioavailable inorganic magnesium known. It has the ability to be absorbed rapidly via the skin directly to your cells. Topical magnesium utilizes the bloodstream to circulate throughout the entire body and intelligently deliver magnesium to the specific sites where your body needs it most. When you choose to supplement with topical magnesium oil, you are choosing to give your body exactly what it needs, in the right proportions, the way that nature intended.