International Products Have separate Terms, Are Sold from Abroad and May Differ from Local Products, Including Fit, Age Ratings, and Language of Product, Labeling or Instructions.International Products have separate term, are from abroad and may differ from local products, included fit, age ratings, and language of product, labeling or instructions.? ABOUT COLORE: Due to different screen setting and playback quality, slight color deviations can occur.Compare the colors on several devices.Use that device with the highest resolution.?jure damage ? : quick and easy to wear, no damage to your own hair.? Insurproles? : Length: 24 (60cm), weight: 500 g / bundle, a total of 500 g.? Material such as real hair? : High -quality, heat -resistant fiber, which is able to resist the heat of styling tools and offer them almost the same versatility in styling as human hair (temperature is better below 120 degrees). International products have separate terms, are sold from abroad and may differ from local products, including fit, age ratings, and language of product, labeling or instructions.International products have separate terms, are sold from abroad and may differ from local products, including fit, age ratings, and language of product, labeling or instructions. ?Über Farbe?:Bedingt durch unterschiedliche Bildschirmeinstellung und Wiedergabequalität kann es zu leichten Farbabweichungen kommen. Vergleichen Sie die Farben an mehreren Geräten. Benutzen Sie jenes Gerät mit der Höchsten Auflösung. ?Keine Beschädigung ?:Schnell und einfach zu tragen, keine Beschädigung des eigenen Haares. ?Einzelheiten?:Länge: 24(60cm), Gewicht: 500 g / Bündel, insgesamt 500 g. ?MATERIAL wie Echthaar? : Hochwertige, hitzebeständige Faser, die in der Lage ist, der Hitze von Stylingwerkzeugen zu widerstehen und Ihnen nahezu die gleiche Vielseitigkeit beim Styling bietet wie menschliches Haar (Temperatur ist besser unter 120 Grad).SEGO Haarverlängerung, 61 cm, , rot