Frequently Asked Questions
How Does Permethrin Work
Permethrin is applied to clothing and outdoor gear material, bonding to the fabric fibers for up to 6 weeks or through 6 washings (whichever comes first). When a tick, mosquito, or other insect comes into contact with Permethrin, it absorbs a dose that will either repel or kill the insect. Applied to clothing, tents, outdoor furniture, or sleeping bags, Permethrin is very effective at reducing the mosquito population in your camping area and keeping ticks from attaching to you.
Sawyer Permethrin uses the same active ingredient found in hair shampoos for head lice. However, because your skin breaks down Permethrin within fifteen minutes of contact, it's not useful as a personal protection insect repellent when applied to the skin.
Permethrin-treated clothing and fabric should be your first line of defense, and it can be used in conjunction with a topical skin-based repellent such as Sawyer's Picaridin, MAXI DEET, and Ultra 30 products.
What Can I Treat with Permethrin
In addition to clothing and accessories like hats and waders, Sawyer Permethrin Insect Repellent is ideal for treating backpacks, tents, camp furniture, hammocks, mosquito netting, luggage, and even bed sheets. Since mosquitoes are better hoppers than flyers, adding more Permethrin-treated landing surfaces around you will improve your protection.
Permethrin is compatible for use even on fragile fabrics such as silk, plus all synthetics and waterproof membrane fabrics (won't affect plastics or finishes). While Permethrin is safe and compatible with almost all fabrics, it has an easier time bonding to soft fabrics like cottons, wools, and synthetic blends.