To create the next generation speed cross 5, we went back to the source code, capitalizing on the values that make speed cross legendary. Even more grip, and a more dynamic upper set a new high-bar on performance and fit. And with better stability and a refined look, A new Legend has arrived.Since 1947 Salomon has created innovative outdoor sports gear. From running and hiking to backpacking, skiing and more, our shoes, boots, bags, apparel and accessories help make any path your own. Time To Play: Whether you are into trail running, hiking, backpacking, or mountaineering, Salomon has shoes and gear for kids, men and women to help you conquer a new distance, personal record, or event. Go The Distance: Whether you love road running in your neighborhood, an escape to a local trail, or something more rugged, Salomon makes shoes that ensure you have a smooth ride on any and all terrain. Get Rough: Redesigned with deep, sharp lugs for an improved grip and a more dynamic upper for better fit and stability, the Speedcross 5 is the perfect shoe for trail runners who aren't afraid of wet, dirty terrain. Trail Running Shoes: Featuring an aggressive grip, precise foothold, and protection, the Salomon Speedcross 5 is the ideal shoe for runners who want to conquer soft, technical trails. Rubber sole. Imported. 100% Synthetic.Best Sellers Rank: See Top 100 in Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry. : B08WNSM4KN. Manufacturer: Salomon. Date First Available: May 9, 2018. Department: Mens. Item model number: L40793500. Item Weight: 2.5 Pounds. Is Discontinued By Manufacturer: No.