The oil cleansing method is a simple skin care routine that uses natural oils, such as sunflower seed oil, to dissolve the hardened oil that our skin produces. A mixture of both hemp seed oil and castor oil, can cleanse the pores of dirt and bacteria naturally, while replacing these dirty oils with beneficial ones that protect and nourish the skin. Through consistent use, the oil cleansing method can help with mild to moderate acne by providing the necessary hydration to keep the skin from over-compensating in oil production.
Antiaging Skincare Moisturizers
The skin, the largest organ in your body, produces oil naturally to help lubricate, protect, heal and moisturize. When functioning properly, the result will be a clear, glowing and supple skin. Many commercial beauty skincare products strip the natural oils out of the skin. The skin thereby overcompensates by creating more oil, which leads to clogged pores and acne. This leads to an endless cycle of being tight and dry followed by the inevitable oil slick. The Oil Cleansing Method stops the madness by balancing the oil production that leads to breakouts.
Hemp seed oil has many properties that are essential to your skin's health. The oil is high in vitamin E, an antioxidant, good for fighting off free radicals and reducing wrinkles for younger looking skin. Its anti-inflammatory moisturizing properties helps to soothe minor skin irritations and blemishes, caused by acne.
Along with this oil cleansing method, a healthy diet, exercise and drinking plenty of water (8 glasses a day) will help to remove the toxins from within.
We recommend combining the Hemp Seed Oil with Castor Oil in the following blends, depending upon your skin type. Castor oil is naturally astringent, which helps to pull the impurities from the skin, thus making the pores appear smaller. The hemp seed oil has a comedogenic rating of zero, to prevent clogging of the pores and to keep the sebum levels balanced.
- For Oily Skin: A blend of 30% castor oil to 70% hemp seed oil.
- For Combination or Balanced Skin: A blend of 25% castor oil to 75% hemp seed oil.
- For Dry Skin: A blend of 10% castor oil to 90% hemp seed oil.