It started with a question: shouldn't my tonic be as good as my gin
It was a warm summer night in Brooklyn and some good friends were in my backyard for gin & tonics. A few drinks in, my teeth felt sticky. I picked up the bottle of tonic water. 32 grams of high fructose corn syrup! Artificial flavors. And artificial preservatives. Sara was drinking a Sprite. I asked to see the can.
'Do you know that tonic water is virtually the same thing as Sprite' 'Really'
Maybe it was the gin, but the idea lingered. Justin brought this great bottle of Tanqueray over. And we were mixing it drink after drink with something lousy. The moon was shining down on the table. The light caught the gin, transforming it into a glowing orb of green goodness. Next to it, the plastic tonic water bottle with its label peeling off and its contents going flat looked particularly decrepit.
I realized I should make a superior tonic water. One good enough to mix with my favorite gins - less sweet and made from real ingredients.
I spent four years on it. I tracked down fantastic ingredients. Made the recipe in my Brooklyn kitchen. And spent late nights agonizing with a designer to make a bottle as beautiful as the liquid it holds.
I came up with a spectacular tonic water. Immediately some of the world's finest bars, restaurants, and retailers started buying it from me. In New York City my Dad and I delivered it ourselves. Then we got a bunch of press coverage and some larger chains joined them. And soon I was being asked for other carbonated mixers as tasty and as high a quality as Q Tonic Water.
For each Q drink I agonize like I did with Q Tonic Water. I source the absolute best ingredients I can find and then tinker and tinker with the recipe until I come up with something I love. Something spectacular.
So please enjoy.