WHAT IS CLEAN MCTClean MCT is a natural, ketogenic energy supplement from LevelUp that features premium caprylic acid, an extremely healthy fat. This fat converts to ketone bodies, helping athletes and busy professionals realize increased levels of energy, focus and performance. Clean MCT may also helps support healthy GI function, regulate metabolism, and the mucosal immune system.*
SMOOTH ENERGY Clean MCT optimizes ketone production, a less oxidative energy source. It fuels the body with caprylic acid for natural and sustained energy without a "crash" later.
WHO CAN BENEFIT Clean MCT is for anyone interested in weight management, increased energy and overall well-being. Clean MCT enhances ketone production, helping people feel more alert, focused, and satiated. Busy professionals, on-the-go moms and dads, or even college students looking for extra hours in the day will benefit from Clean MCT. "Biohackers" love Clean for its ability to maximize cognitive potential; ketogenic dieters and low-carb enthusiasts like Clean MCT for its satiety benefits.
HOW DOES CLEAN MCT WORK All fats are made up of strings of carbon and hydrogen. Short-chain fats have fewer than 6 carbons (e.g. butyric acid), long-chain fats have 13 to 21 (e.g. Omega 3s) and medium-chain fats have 6 to 12. Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) are made up of medium-chain fatty acids. Clean MCT contains pure C8 MCTs, the most effective in converting to ketones, a potent alternative energy source for the brain and muscles.