Pheromone Perfume for Women - Anywhere, Anytime, Anyplace to Show Your Infinite Charming Your Confident Choice: -- Elegant and fresh smells, unforgettable charm. -- Long-lasting scent holds up for a day. -- Special pheromone perfume for impressive attraction. -- Roll-on design, easy to use and carry. How to Use: Just simply apply it to your neck, wrists, and ear lobes, the scent can last for a whole day. Warm Tips: 1. For external use only, please do not swallow. 2. Do not contact with eyes, mouth, and wounds. 3. Do not contact the fire source. 4. Store in a cool and dry place out of reach of small children. Package List: 20 ml * Pheromone Perfume[ Roll-on Design ] - The package adapts a unique roll-on design, making it easier for you to use and free your hand, simply apply it to your neck, wrists, and ear lobes, and unleash the sweet and elegant scent. [ Boosting Confidence ] - Our pheromone perfume is designed for women, which can create a subtle charming scent to make you attract more attention and feel more confident, preparing for a romantic encounter. [ Enduring Charming ] - With just a dab or two, this pheromone perfume will have their lasting attention, make them subliminally feel irresistible and attracted to you, perfect for your date night. [ Advanced Formula ] - Our pheromone cologne perfume employs a scientific yet natural formula, which can subtly awaken his senses and interest, make him feel special, but also safe for our skin. [ Attractive Pheromone Perfume ] - This pheromone perfume will deliver a sweet and elegant yet provocative scent to attract and sustain men's attention, and subliminally enthrall them.