Start from neck and shoulders, people always feel this region tense. When you have no time to enjoy a complete massage, focusing on neck and shoulders can provide immediate relaxation. You can make a massage on neck and shoulders by using the following skills: 1.Use the massager on one side of the neck, gently close to the muscle and tendon. Turn on the massager at the 3rd to 4th gear of the vibration intensity to make vibration waves of the massager penetrate into the muscle, and meanwhile push and pull the massager up and down to make the whole tendon fully relaxed. After completion of the massage on one side of the neck, make a massage on the other side of the neck. | 2.Massage on shoulders. Turn off the massager. Gently beat muscle tendons of both shoulders for 20 times respectively by using the massager. use the tail end of the massager towards the particularly sore part and vertically press the part for 10-30 seconds. Turn on the massager at the 1st gear of the vibration intensity, and put the massager on the muscle on one side of shoulders. Lightly squeeze the shoulders, slowly and stably, and make vibration waves drive muscular movement. you may have a sense of grasping and pulling, lasting for 15 minutes. change the massage mode, use various changes for making the muscle tendon move along with different vibration waves, such as tighten and relax, to achieve relaxation. 3.Massage on arms and legs. Turn it on and choose the highest frequency. Start from the muscles on thighs. Move the massager slowly along the direction of the muscle until the ankle. Please Note: make a massage along with one direction, and never move back and forth. | 4.Massage on back. Start from the shoulder-back on both sides. Hold the head of the massager tightly with hand, and push and pull the massager from up to down to rub muscles (please cooperate with massage essential oil). appropriately and forcibly press the massager down. When the massager arrives at the lower part of the back, especially knead the tight muscle, and relieve the tight state by vibration using vibration waves. The massage can last for 20 minutes until the muscle feels slight heat. People who stand or sit for several hours every day often feel pain in this region, so you may need to spend more time on relaxing this part. Note: never exert pressure on spine and dorsal bones. The emphasis should be put on the muscles on both sides of spine. 5.Massage on face and head. Turn on the massager, adjust it to the 8th gear, and massage his/her temples by lightly whirling. Gently rub forehead and paranasal sinus. Finally put the massager on the scalp, and rub it like washing hair. | Massage on face and head lastly. Turn on the massager, adjust it to the 8th gear, and massage his/her temples by lightly whirling. Gently rub forehead and paranasal sinus. Finally put the massager on the scalp, and rub it like washing hair. |