Pedia Advanced Collagen Boost Anti Aging Serum - 30ml Advanced Deep Anti -folds Serum hyaluronic acid with brightening vitamin C for all skin types (1PC)

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Pedia Advanced Collagen Boost Anti Aging Serum - 30ml Advanced Deep Anti -folds Serum hyaluronic acid with brightening vitamin C for all skin types (1PC)

Regular Price: US$45.99

Special Price US$39.99

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Supplier: mugeleen

30ml collages anti-aging serum erase wrinkles, collages anti-aging serum, multi -ffect herbal fast-acting skin blealing essence Features: Natural Extracts: Collagen Cream Contains Plant Extracts, which Add Nutrients and Moisture to the Skin, Relieve Dry Skin, Reduce Fine Lines, Tighten Skin Lines, and Make Skin Smooth and Firm. IT is an all-Natural Care Essence Specialy Formulated to Remove Unperted Skin Blemishes.It Contains to Advanced Blend of Concentrated Natural Ingredients That Can Effectively Remove Spots and Moles Without Any Pain and Side Effects.It Takes Effect Quickly. From the Age of 20-25.The Skin Wll Gradualy Enter a State of Natural Aging.The Speed of Aging Depends on Each Person's Genetics and Living Habits, And The Aging Time Is So Different.the Performanance of Early Old Age is not evident.unil about 30 years old can be seen.anti-aging is to do various preparations at the starting of aging to delay the speed of aging. [Easy to use]: After Cleansing, Apply 2-3 Drops of the Right Amount of Serum Applied to the Face Or Eye, Massage Gently Until It is Absorbed.Replenish Lost Moisture with Gentle A Toner Suit for All Skin: Our serum is safe for all Skin Types, Even Sensitive Skin Around the Eye.It can replenish and recover Lost Moisture.With deep moisturizing effect. : Net content: 30ml Package content: 1 XSERUM

Suitable for all skin types: Pedia Advanced Collagen Boost Anti-aging serum is suitable for every skin, dehydrated or dry skin, stumped skin, greasy skin and acne tending, old-fold fold.Refreshing effect that quickly melt the essence into the skin.Moisturizing: skin care serum for blemishes, rejuvenates the skin, improves skin elasticity, smoother and tight skin, repairs and moisturizes at the same time without a severe or sticky feeling.Sure: Or you can mix it with other ingredients.This Pedia Advanced Collagen Boost Anti-aging serum is safe for all skin types, including sensitive skin.It maximizes its effectiveness.This powerful sextet includes moisture, stimulates collagen production, eliminates wrinkles and repairs damage, which makes it the ultimate facial-anti-aging serum.Energyed the skin: Pedia Advanced Collages Boost Anti-Aging serum can brighten up and brighten uneven skin tones, for cleaned skin with a bright shine, improves the skin elasticity, restores an even and translucent skin structure, donates moisture, is not stickyAnd move in quickly.Pedia Advanced Collagen Boost Anti-aging serum: It can solve skin aging problems such as deep wrinkles, fine lines, swollen eyes, dark circles, tear bags, dark spots, melasma, hyperpigmentation, rough texture, sagging skin, etc.It is very affordable and you can do all of your skin care routine with just this.

30ml Collagen Anti-Aging Serum Erase Wrinkles, Collagen Anti-Aging Serum,Multi -effect Herbal Fast-acting Skin Blealing Essence Features: Natural Extracts: Collagen cream contains plant extracts, which add nutrients and moisture to the skin, relieve dry skin, reduce fine lines, tighten skin lines, and make skin smooth and firm. It is an all-natural care essence specially formulated to remove unwanted skin blemishes. It contains an advanced blend of concentrated natural ingredients that can effectively remove spots and moles without any pain and side effects. It takes effect quickly. From the age of 20-25.the skin wll gradualy enter a state of natural aging.The speed of aging depends on each person's genetics and living habits, and the aging time is also different.The performance of early old age is not evident.unil about 30 years old can be seen.Anti-aging is to do various preparations at the beginning of aging to delay the speed of aging. [Easy to use]: After cleansing, apply 2-3 drops of the right amount of serum applied to the face or eye, massage gently until it is absorbed. Replenish lost moisture with gentle a toner Suit For All Skin: Our serum is safe for all skin types, even sensitive skin around the eye. It can replenish and recover lost moisture. With deep moisturizing effect. : Net content: 30ml Package Content: 1 xSerum

Geeignet für alle Hauttypen: Pedia Advanced Kollagen Boost Anti-Aging-Serum ist geeignet für jede Haut, dehydrierte oder trockene Haut, stumpfe Haut, fettige Haut und Akne neigende, alterungsende Faltenhaut. Erfrischender Effekt, der die Essenz schnell in die Haut schmelzen lässt. Feuchtigkeitsspendend: Hautpflege-Serum für Hautunreinheiten, verjüngt die Haut, verbessert die Hautelastizität, glattere und straffe Haut, repariert und befeuchtet gleichzeitig, ohne ein schweres oder klebriges Gefühl. Sicher: Oder Sie können es mit anderen Zutaten mischen. Dieses Pedia Advanced Collagen Boost Anti-Aging-Serum ist sicher für alle Hauttypen, einschließlich empfindlicher Haut. Es maximiert ihre Wirksamkeit. Dieses leistungsstarke Sextet schließt Feuchtigkeit ein, stimuliert die Kollagenproduktion, beseitigt Falten und repariert Schäden, was es zum ultimativen Gesichts-Anti-Aging-Serum macht. Energiert die Haut : Pedia Advanced Collagen Boost Anti-Aging-Serum kann unebene Hauttöne aufhellen und aufhellen, für eine gereinigte Haut mit einem strahlenden Glanz, verbessert die Hautelastizität, stellt eine gleichmäßige und durchscheinende Hautstruktur wieder her, spendet Feuchtigkeit, ist nicht klebrig und zieht schnell ein. Pedia Advanced Collagen Boost Anti-Aging-Serum: Es kann Hautalterungsprobleme wie tiefe Falten, feine Linien, geschwollene Augen, Augenringe, Tränensäcke, dunkle Flecken, Melasma, Hyperpigmentierung, raue Textur, schlaffe Haut usw. lösen. Es ist sehr erschwinglich und Sie können alle Ihre Hautpflege-Routine mit nur diesem tun.

Pedia Advanced Collagen Boost Anti Aging Serum - 30ml Advanced Deep Anti-Falten Serum, Hyaluronsäure mit aufhellendem Vitamin C für alle Hauttypen (1Pc)

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