Heal Your Knee Pain the Easy and Natural Way. Knee pain can have a terrible effect on your life, especially if you are a keen runner or walker. Many doctors attempt to treat the symptoms believing your Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome cannot be fully cured. The Patellofemoral Syndrome Solution takes a different approach. It tackles the cause, which is often injury or weakness in the muscles supporting the knee, to provide rapid pain relief and even completely heal your pain in a matter of weeks. Simple Daily Exercises in Your Home. The comprehensive video exercise program targets the muscles around the knee to strengthen and heal them using a simple, straightforward, do-anywhere exercise program with a short daily time commitment. The exercises target the specific problem areas and provide clear instructions. Avoid common mistakes when doing exercises. Know exactly how many reps, how many sets, and at what intensity. Done in stages for a more gradual approach. Created By Injury Expert. This program was put together by injury expert Rick Kaselj, who has been a kinesiologist and injury expert since 1994. It is based on numerous medical research papers and real-world trials using his own clients. Complete Pack Contains Everything You Need. Inside the DVD and manual pack you will find. Self-Assessment Pack. Quick-Start Cheat Sheet. Exercise Program - Instructional Videos - Follow-Along Videos - Progress Tracking Sheet- Quick Reference Guide. Get Rid of Knee Pain Today. There is no need to suffer from bad knee pain or change your lifestyle. Get it sorted today with the Patellofemoral Syndrome Solution and see the results for yourself.CREATED BY INJURY EXPERT: Experienced kinesiologist and pain expert formulated the program based on hundreds of medical research papers, journals, and studies, as well as real-world trials on clients. NATURAL PAIN SOLUTION: No need for medicine, surgery, wraps, bands, taping, injections, pills, braces, straps, orthotics, supplements, or other remedies to alleviate pain; just follow the exercises in the comfort of your own home. COMPREHENSIVE PACK: Contains DVD and manual including self-assessment pack, quick-start cheat sheet, instructional videos, exercise program, follow-along videos, progress tracking sheet, quick reference guide. FITS YOUR LIFESTYLE: No need to quit running to fix your Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome, just follow the exercises, which are easy to do with just a short time commitment, done in stages for gradual treatment to strengthen and support muscles. PAIN RELIEF IN A FEW MINUTES A DAY: These simple, straightforward exercises can be done in a few minutes every day with no specialist equipment; suitable for anyone, including runners and walkers, to relieve painful knee joints in weeks.