We Provide A High Quality Product.What will you get6 Packs of Passion Twist Crochet Braids Hair, A Total of 96 Hair Strands, A Free Crochet Hook ColoUndurful Beads for Hairstyle Decoration A Pack of Elastic Bands.Hair Benefits: Our crochet braids hair is super soft, lightweight, itch-free, no smell, no tangles, no spills, very easy to twist and install, natural and stylish looking, loads for a long time.Hair Benefits: Our crochet braids hair is super soft, lightweight, itch-free, no smell, no tangles, no spills, very easy to twist and install, natural and stylish looking, loads for a long time.Hair material: 18 inch (45.5 cm) crochet hair braids, 100 high quality, low temperature fibre, Kanecalon Synthetic fibre.Weight: 16 beaches pack.60 g pack.6 packs set.Total: 96 beach.More Suitable for People in Low Quantitits and Small Head Circumference.We provide a high quality product. What will you get6 packs of Passion Twist Crochet Braids Hair, a total of 96 hair strands, a free crochet hook colourful beads for hairstyle decoration a pack of elastic bands. Hair benefits: Our crochet braids hair is super soft, lightweight, itch-free, no smell, no tangles, no spills, very easy to twist and install, natural and stylish looking, lasts for a long time. Hair benefits: Our crochet braids hair is super soft, lightweight, itch-free, no smell, no tangles, no spills, very easy to twist and install, natural and stylish looking, lasts for a long time. Hair material: 18 inch (45.5 cm) crochet hair braids, 100 high-quality, low temperature fibre, Kanekalon synthetic fibre. Weight: 16 strands pack. 60 g pack. 6 packs set. Total: 96 strands. More suitable for people in low quantities and small head circumference.