Panch Phoran, also known as Bengali Five-Spice Blend, is a captivating and aromatic spice blend crafted from a coarse blend of five distinctive seeds. This blend, consisting of fenugreek, black onion seeds, brown mustard, cumin, and fennel seeds, offers a unique symphony of flavours that bring depth and complexity to a variety of dishes. INGREDIENTS Fenugreek, black onions seeds (nigella), brown mustard, cumin and fennel seeds. DIRECTIONS Packed on premises that handle celery, cereals containing gluten, mustard, peanuts, sesame, soybeans, sulphur dioxide and sulphites and tree nuts (such as almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, brazil nuts, cashews, pecans, pistachios and macadamia nuts). See moreProduced to the highest standards Suitable for Vegan, Vegetarians. This versatile blend is a cornerstone of Bengali cuisine and is often used to temper oil at the beginning of cooking, releg its fragrant oils and enhancing the essence of the dish. Panch Phoran adds a distinctive touch to lentil dishes, vegetables, stews, and even fish. The earthy bitterness of fenugreek is complemented by the pungent and slightly smoky flavour of black onion seeds. Brown mustard seeds contribute a subtle heat, while cumin infuses a warm and aromatic note. Fennel seeds provide a touch of sweetness and round out the flavour profile. Panch Phoran is skilfully composed by combining equal parts of fenugreek, black onion seeds (also known as Nigella seeds), brown mustard, cumin, and fennel seeds. This blend offers a delightful marriage of tastes that are both familiar and exotic.