When you're planning to start a family, timing is important and missing your fertility window can be frustrating. Ova News is here to simplify the complexities. Identify your most fertile days with this easy-to-use at-home ovulation detection kit. Ovulation is a term used to describe the release of a mature egg from the ovary to the fallopian tube. It occurs 13 to 15 days before the start of your next period. During the time leading up to ovulation there is an increase in Luteinizing Hormone (LH) in your body and is also the time you are most fertile. Ova News helps you accurately predict those 5 most fertile days to conceive by detecting the surge in LH levels. So, say goodbye to uncertainty and guesswork and improve your chances of getting pregnant. To know when to start testing, calculate your menstrual cycle length and refer to our chart. For example, for a 28-day cycle testing should start on the 11th day. Simply collect your urine in a clean container, add 3 drops to the sample well with the disposable dropper and get the results in 5 minutes. It’s time to start trying if two pink lines appear on C & T. But if there’s one line on C or two pink lines, with the line on T lighter, you still have to wait and test again the next day. No lines or a single line on T means invalid results, so test with another device. Developed after years of research, the wide range of products from Prega News are a woman’s reliable companions during all three crucial stages of their motherhood journey – pre-conception, pre-natal, and post-natal. In pre-conception, along with Ova News Ovulation Detection Kit, we offer Prega Hope Pre-Pregnancy Fertility Supplement and Prega Hope Fertility Friendly Lubricant, aiding in healthy conception. In the pre-natal range, we provide Prega News, Prega News Advance, and Prega News Value Pack which assists in pregnancy detection. In the Pre-& post-natal range, we offer Prega Happy Stretch Mark Cream, an anti-stretPREGA NEWS RANGE: Expertly developed after years of research, our range of products, like multivitamins, pregnancy detection test, and anti-stretch mark cream are reliable partners in all 3 stages of your motherhood journey, from pre-pregnancy to pregnancy and post-pregnancy. OVA NEWS KIT CONTENTS: The pack includes 6 kits, each with a single-use testing device, disposable dropper and moisture-preventing silica gel. It also includes a urine container & an informative booklet to answer all your queries. CLEAR RESULTS: If there are two pink lines on C & T, your fertility days have started. Only one line on C or two pink lines, with T's being lighter, indicates no LH surge has been detected. No pink lines or a single line on T indicate an invalid result. TESTING DURATION: For accuracy, test between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. every day and avoid heavy fluid intake 2 hours prior. Continue testing for 6 days if results are consecutively negative. HOW TO USE: Collect urine in the clean and dry container available with the pack and add 3 drops in the sample well with the dropper. TESTING PROCESS: Testing start day depends on your menstrual cycle length. For a 28-day cycle, testing starts on the 11th day. RAPID RESULTS: Determine the start of your 5 most fertile days to conceive, in 5 minutes, from the comfort of your home. TRUSTED OVULATION DETECTION KIT: Maximise chances of pregnancy with Ova News. Detect a surge of LH (Luteinizing Hormone) in your body and know the best time to conceive.