The signature of this men's fragrance explores the power of contrasts. Boticollection Horizon Deodorant Cologne combines the effervescence and citrus freshness of tonic notes with herbal notes, contrasting with the signature of noble woods. From the Woody Fougere fragrance family, Boticollection Horizonte is designed for men with a free spirit who know it's time to seek out something new. This intense masculine fragrance brings the vitality of Mandarin and the strength of Virginia Cedar, a tree recognized by the Cherokee people for marking new life phases. --------------- A assinatura desta fragrancia masculina explora a forca dos contrastes. Boticollection Horizonte Desodorante Colonia traz a efervescencia e o frescor citrico de notas tonicas combinadas a notas herbais contrastam com a assinatura de madeiras nobres. e uma fragrancia masculina intensa que traz toda a vitalidade da Mandarina e a forca do Cedro da Virginia, arvore reconhecida pelos povos Cherokke por marcar novas fases da vida.Woody Fougere Fragrance (Fragrancia Fougere Amadeirada). -Base Notes (Notas de Fundo): Sandalwood, Benzoin, White Leather, Vetiver, Musk (Sandalo, Benjoin, Couro Branco, Vetiver, Musk). - Body Notes (Notas de Corpo): Rosemary, Cedar Leaf, Cypress, Lavender, Patchouli, Cashmeran, Cedar (Alecrim, Folha de Cedro, Cipreste, Lavandinha, Patchouli, Cashmeran, Cedro). - Top Notes (Notas de Topo): Bergamot, Fig Leaf, Black Pepper, Pine Leaf, Lemon, Galbanum, Mandarin, Grapefruit (Bergamota, Folha de Figo, Pimenta Preta, Folha de Pinho, Limao, Galbano, Mandarina, Grapefruit). - Olfactive Family (Familia Olfativa): Fougere or Aromatic (Aromatica).