- Dietary Supplement
- NaturalCare Helping You Take the Very Best Care
- Healthy Prostate Support Formula
About the prostate gland
The prostate is a tubuloalveolar exocrine gland that is part of the male reproductive system. It is usually about the size of a walnut. It is located below the bladder, and it surrounds the tube called the urethra. The urethra has two jobs - to carry urine from the bladder during urination, and to carry semen during ejaculation. The prostate become vulnerable as men age.
The male urinary tract
Because the prostate surrounds the urethra, urinary tract function can be impacted by any change in the size of the prostate gland. Men over the age of 40 often complain of an inability to get a good night's sleep due to frequent urination throughout the night and early morning hours. The frequent need to urinate is often accompanied by a feeling of not being able to void completely, leaving the bladder still feeling full. These changes could be related to prostate enlargement. Pressure from an enlarged prostate can affect bladder control and the urination process.
As with almost all aspects of wellbeing, an overall healthy lifestyle may help maintain or improve prostate health.
If complete inability to urinate occurs, seek medical help immediately.
NaturalCare was founded in Orem, Utah in 1993 with the guiding principal that nature hold the key to solving many of life's health issues. Our goal has always been to provide products using traditional remedies combined with the latest science in nutritional supplementation. We manufacture products we use personally and give to our friends and families.
The company believes that self-care is the future of health care. All NaturalCare products are developed with great attention to the science and tradition of the product.
NaturalCare has grown and expanded, adding new, innovative products that represent the best of cutting-edge technology combining the tradition of herbal, nutritional supplements, and homeopathic medicine. As new science emerges, NaturalCare will continue to introduce new products into the marketplace with these same goals and principles in mind. NaturalCare is known for innovation and integrity; trusted for its quality.
We are leading the way in "Creating Life Enhancing Products Today for Healthier Tomorrow"