Electrolytes help the body with over 600 biochemical processes, regulating the nervous system, energy production & even muscle contraction. When these are depleted through excessive sweating, illness, dehydration, prolonged fasting or exercise, your body can suffer. Instead of using fasting salts, which typically consist of 80% table salt, our electrolyte keto powder surpasses many hydro tablets and provides 5 essential minerals to restore your body's balance: Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium & Chloride from Himalayan Salt. All with zero calories & zero carbs. Made in the UK to the highest standards, lemon-flavored Honest Electrolytes can turn any water into an instant sports drink, it's no ordinary energy powder drink mix. Suitable for all ages, vegan, gluten free and easy to digest. Restore lost electrolytes to beat fatigue, for improved athletic performance, to prevent muscle cramps, for better gut health, as an immune system booster, for mental clarity as a brain supplement or a metabolism booster. Potassium & Magnesium supplements or electrolyte energy & health drinks may even be helpful for morning sickness relief, migraine relief & muscle fatigue. Most rehydration sachets electrolyte tablets contain binders like starch, gelatin or cellulose which can prevent them from fully dissolving. Superior to a calcium supplement, magnesium supplements or potassium salt alone, our complete electrolytes drink is quick dissolving and can be used daily for all your applied nutrition needs. When water isn't enough, our electrolyte sports drinks can revive you back to optimum in no time. Beneficial for keto diet weight loss plan & Cambridge diet . Add Honest Electrolytes to your gym bag & vital fitness accessories today. Usage: Mix one scoop with the desired quantity of water (500ml) and stir well.
Sports Nutrition and Hydration, Rehydration, Pre-Workout, Post-Workout and Recovery.
Keto Diet, Paleo Diet, Fasting and Vegan Diets
(FDA Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease).