Did you know that 50% of the world's citric acid product isn't used for foodThere are countless uses for citric acid around your home from descaling hard water, to homemade cleaning detergents and dyeing yarn. Citric Acid can even be used to remove stains from your pool and to make toilet fizzers. Read on to learn why so many customers love Milliard's Pure Food-Grade Citric Acid.
At Milliard, we endeavor to give you the ultimate in quality and service. Our citric acid is made of the finest grain to ensure complete and speedy dissolving. Milliard's Citric Acid is food grade which makes it safe to use in the kitchen and around children. We package our citric acid in heavy duty plastic bags to ensure freshness and to prevent spills during shipping. What's more, the bags are resealable bag so you can use it for storage.
The US National Organic Program (CFR Title 7:205) does not define nonagricultural products like citric acid in its program as organic. However, under CFR 205.605 Nonagricultural (nonorganic) substances allowed as ingredients in or on processed products labeled as 'organic' or 'made with organic (specified ingredients or food group(s)), citric acid produced via microbial fermentation is. We do not use genetically modified materials in its products nor its processes eliminating any concern for adherence to the 'organic' designation either legally or materially.