MediPLATINUM is 99.99+% pure Platinum NanoParticles (PtNPs) colloidally suspended and dispersed in pure pharmaceutical grade sterile water. MediPLATINUM is a true colloidal Platinum which means it is 100% elemental Platinum with no ionic Platinum, Platinum salts or Platinum proteins. The PtNPs in MediPLATINUM have the smallest Platinum nanoparticle size – averaging just two Platinum atoms – less than 0.6 nm in size; this equates to the highest NanoParticle Surface Area (NPSA) which provides the highest bioavailability of any true colloidal Platinum product. MediPLATINUM is perfectly safe to consume daily in perpetuity as a dietary Platinum nutritional supplement. MediPLATINUM does not require refrigeration after opening and has an infinite shelf life if stored at room temperature out of direct sunlight. This is 250 mL (16.9 Fl Oz) of MediPLATINUM in a clear BPA-free plastic bottle - triple sealed for your protection.You are purchg 250 mL (16.9 Fl Oz) of MediPLATINUM in a clear BPA free plastic bottle; triple sealed for your protection. Made in the USA; Fair Trade; Vegan; Halal; Kosher; Cruelty-Free; Keto; Gluten free; Alcohol free; Sugar free, Hypo-Allergenic, Sodium free and GMO free. Average platinum nanoparticle size is less than 0.6 nanometers; small enough to be 100% bioavailable. No added color, no chemicals, no preservatives, no stabilizers. Safe 20 parts per million concentration of ultra-pure (99.99+% pure) platinum as 100% bioavailable platinum nanoparticles in pharmaceutical grade pure water. MediPLATINUM utilizes the proven power of 99.99+% pure colloidal platinum in a formula developed and perfected by a former NASA scientist; our satisfied customers can be found in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Australia, England, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Brazil, Scotland, China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Croatia, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, S. Korea, Japan, New Zealand, Germany, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and elsewhere.