Medik8 Surface Radiance Cleanse 150 ml - Resurfacing AHA/BHA mangosteen cleansing gel Surface Radiance Cleanse is a powerful, hydrating cleansing gel. Ontworpen voor alle huidtypes, met name die met zichtbare huidveroudering. Amandelzuur, melk- en salicylzuur comen samen voor een deep cleaning, helpt poriën te verfijnen en de texture van de huid glad te maken. De addition van glycerine neemt elke pöglich steek weg, soms in verband met gebruik van AHA/BHA. De huid is omhuld met zuiver vocht en comfort. De geltextuur breekt in een rijke schuimige texture, wanneer deze in contact met de huid en het water. Een verleidende, verfrissende ervaring, the formula is also improved with natural mangostan and framboos voor extra antioxidant. Product information: Every morning and evening, a small amount of Surface Radiance Cleanse is massaged into the moist skin and neck. Bij geovelige huid eichende per dag or wanneer altijd een diepere reiniging nodig is. Gewoon met water verijden en het gezicht droog deppen. Surface Radiance Cleanse Medik8 Surface Radiance Cleanse 150 ml - Resurfacing AHA/BHA Mangosteen temzile jeli. Surface Radiance Wash Tüm cilt tipleri için, especially takir çilt yaslananlar için izlesti mistir. Badem asidi, süt ve salisilik asit derinlemesine metizlik için inder gelir, gösenekleri arindirmaya ve cilin dokusunu düzlestirmeye zagini olur. Glycerin injection removes possible stitches, can be used in conjunction with the AHA/BHA application. Cilt saf nem ve konfor ile kaplandjad. Jel dokusu cilde ve suyla temas teginde zigenn çükükli sükum bir dokuya testi. Çekici, ferahlatici bir experimen, Formül, ek antioxidant koruma için natural mango ve ahududu ile de iyiyizitir. Ãœrün bilgini: Her sabah ve aksam küçük bir sigit suysat Radiance Cleanse nemli cilde ve boynunuza masaj yain. Hassas cilteldere günde bir kez veya ne zaman derinlemesine tesmizli geçormsa. Sadece su ile tyrind ve yüzünüzü kuru bir selegan silin. Medik8 Surface Radiance Cleanse 150 ml - Resurfacing AHA/BHA Mangosteen cleansing gel Surface Radiance Cleanse is a powerful moisturizing cleansing gel. Developed for all skin types, especially those with visible skin aging. Together, mandelic acid, lactic acid and salicylic acid provide deep cleansing, helping to refine pores and smooth skin texture. Adding glycerin accommodates every possible stitch, sometimes in conjunction with an AHA/BHA application. The skin is enveloped in pure moisture and comfort. The gel texture breaks into a rich foamy texture when it comes into contact with skin and water. A freeing, refreshing experience, the formula is also enhanced with natural mangosteen and raspberry for added antioxidant protection. Product Directions: Massage a small amount of Surface Radiance Cleanse into damp skin and neck every morning and evening. For sensitive skin, once a day or whenever a deeper cleansing is necessary. Simply remove with water and dry face. Medik8 Surface Radiance Cleanse 150 ml - Resurfacing AHA/BHA Mangosteen zel posciazajacy Surface Radiance Cleanse to wydajny, nachwijlajacy zel czyszczacy. Designed for all types of skin, especially for those with visible skin aging. Kwas migdalowy, kwas mlekowy i salicylów kwas globkie oczyszczenie, pomaga zwezac pory i wygladzic texture skóry. The addition of glycerine eliminates wszelkie ukaszenia, sometimes associated with AHA/BHA. The score is covered with pure wilgocia and wygoda. The yellow consistency breaks down into a rich pianko texture when it comes into contact with the skin and water. Zachwycajace, odswiezajace experience, the formula is also udoskonalona thanks to natural mangosteen and raspberry for additional protection antyoksidacyjnej. Product instructions: Every morning and evening, wmasowac niewielka produkto Surface Radiance Cleanse in damp skin and hair. W przypadku skóry szczyniej raz dziennie lub zawsze wtedy, gdy przybdo jest glebsze czyszczenie. Just remove with water and dry. Medik8 Surface Radiance Cleanse 150 ml - Resurfacing AHA/BHA Mangosteen Cleansing Gel Surface Radiance Cleanse is a powerful, moisturizing cleansing gel. Designed for all skin types, especially those with visible skin aging. Mandelic acid, lactic and salicylic acid come together for deep cleansing, helps to refine pores and smooth the texture of the skin. The addition of glycerine takes away any possible stitch, sometimes associated with AHA/BHA application. The skin is wrapped in pure moisture and comfort. The gel texture breaks into a rich foamy texture when it comes into contact with the skin and water. An alluring refreshing experience, the formula is also enhanced with natural mangosteen and raspberry for added antioxidant protection. Product notes: Every morning and evening massage a small amount of Surface Radiance Cleanse into damp skin and neck. For sensitive skin once a day or whenever a deeper cleaning is required. Simply remove with water and pat the face dry. GEBRAUCHSANWEISUNG Schritt 1: One Morning and Evening Surface Radiance Cleanse in die Handfläche auftragen und in das angefeuchtete Gesicht und Hals einmassieren. Schritt 2: Spritz the face with water and pat dry the skin. WARNHINWEISE Nur zur äußerlichen Anwendung. Read the package for further details. Mehr Anzahl der einheiten: 1.0. Surface Radiance Cleanse. Surface Radiance Cleanse. Surface Radiance Cleanse. Surface Radiance Cleanse. Surface Radiance Cleanse. Medik8 Surface Radiance Cleanse 150 ml - Resurfacing AHA/BHA mangosteen reinigingsgel Surface Radiance Cleanse is een krachtige, hydraterende reinigingsgel. Ontworpen voor alle huidtypes, met name die met zichtbare huidveroudering. Amandelzuur, melk- en salicylzuur komen samen voor een diepe reiniging, helpt poriën te verfijnen en de textuur van de huid glad te maken. De toevoeging van glycerine neemt elke mogelijke steek weg, soms in verband met gebruik van AHA/BHA. De huid is omhuld met zuiver vocht en comfort. De geltextuur breekt in een rijke schuimige textuur, wanneer deze in contact komt met de huid en het water. Een verleidende, verfrissende ervaring, de formule is ook verbeterd met natuurlijke mangostan en framboos voor extra antioxidant. Productinformatie: Elke ochtend en avond een kleine hoeveelheid Surface Radiance Cleanse in de vochtige huid en de hals inmasseren. Bij gevoelige huid eenmaal per dag of wanneer altijd een diepere reiniging nodig is. Gewoon met water verwijderen en het gezicht droog deppen. Surface Radiance Cleanse Medik8 Surface Radiance Cleanse 150 ml - Resurfacing AHA/BHA Mangosteen temizleme jeli. Surface Radiance Cleanse güçlü ve nemlendirici bir temizlik jelidir. Tüm cilt tipleri için, özellikle görünür cilt yaslananlar için gelistirilmistir. Badem asidi, süt ve salisilik asit derinlemesine temizlik için birlikte gelir, gözenekleri arindirmaya ve cildin dokusunu düzlestirmeye yardimci olur. Gliserin eklenmesi her olasi dikisi ortadan kaldirir, bazen AHA/BHA uygulamasi ile baglantili olarak kullanilabilir. Cilt saf nem ve konfor ile kaplanmistir. Jel dokusu cilde ve suyla temas ettiginde zengin içerikli köpük bir dokuya sahiptir. Çekici, ferahlatici bir deneyim, Formül, ek antioksidan koruma için dogal mango ve ahududu ile de iyilestirilmistir. Ãœrün bilgileri: Her sabah ve aksam küçük bir miktar yüzey Radiance Cleanse nemli cilde ve boynunuza masaj yapin. Hassas ciltlerde günde bir kez veya ne zaman derinlemesine temizlik gerekiyorsa. Sadece su ile çikarin ve yüzünüzü kuru bir sekilde silin. Medik8 Surface Radiance Cleanse 150 ml - Resurfacing AHA/BHA Mangosteen cisticà gel Surface Radiance Cleanse je výkonný zvlhcujÃcà cisticà gel. Vyvinuto pro vÅ¡echny typy pleti, zejména pro osoby s viditelným stárnutÃm pokožky. Kyselina mandlová, kyselina mlécná a salicylová spolecne zajiÅ¡tujà hluboké ciÅ¡tenÃ, pomáhá zjemnit póry a vyhlazovat texturu pokožky. Pridávánà glycerinu pojme každou možnou steh, nekdy v souvislosti s aplikacà AHA/BHA. Pokožka je obalena cistou vlhkostà a komfortem. Gelová textura rozbije bohatou penivou texturu, když prijde do kontaktu s pokožkou a vodou. ZbavujÃcÃ, osvežujÃcà zážitek, receptura je také vylepÅ¡ena prÃrodnÃm mangostánem a malinami pro dodatecnou antioxidacnà ochranu. Pokyny k výrobku: Každý ráno a vecer vmasÃrujte malé množstvà Surface Radiance Cleanse do vlhké pokožky a krku. Pri citlivé pokožce jednou denne nebo kdykoli je nutné hlubÅ¡Ã ciÅ¡tenÃ. JednoduÅ¡e odstrante vodou a oblicej nasucho. Medik8 Surface Radiance Cleanse 150 ml - Resurfacing AHA/BHA Mangosteen zel oczyszczajacy Surface Radiance Cleanse to wydajny, nawilzajacy zel czyszczacy. Zaprojektowany z mysla o wszystkich typach skóry, w szczególnosci dla osób z widocznym starzeniem sie skóry. Kwas migdalowy, kwas mlekowy i salicylowy tworza glebokie oczyszczenie, pomaga zwezac pory i wygladzic teksture skóry. Dodanie gliceryny eliminuje wszelkie ukaszenia, czasami zwiazane z AHA/BHA. Skóra jest pokryta czysta wilgocia i wygoda. Zelowa konsystencja rozpada sie w bogata piankowa teksture, gdy wejdzie w kontakt ze skóra i woda. Zachwycajace, odswiezajace doswiadczenie, formula jest równiez udoskonalona dzieki naturalnemu mangostan i malinom dla dodatkowej ochrony antyoksydacyjnej. Wskazówki dotyczace produktu: Kazdego ranka i wieczoru wmasowac niewielka ilosc produktu Surface Radiance Cleanse w wilgotna skóre i szyje. W przypadku skóry wrazliwej raz dziennie lub zawsze wtedy, gdy potrzebne jest glebsze czyszczenie. Wystarczy usunac woda i osuszyc twarz. Medik8 Surface Radiance Cleanse 150 ml - Resurfacing AHA/BHA Mangosteen Cleansing Gel Surface Radiance Cleanse is a powerful, moisturising cleansing gel. Designed for all skin types, especially those with visible skin ageing. Mandelic acid, lactic and salicylic acid come together for deep cleansing, helps to refine pores and smooth the texture of the skin. The addition of glycerine takes away any possible stitch, sometimes associated with AHA/BHA application. The skin is wrapped in pure moisture and comfort. The gel texture breaks into a rich foamy texture when it comes into contact with the skin and water. An alluring refreshing experience, the formula is also enhanced with natural mangosteen and raspberry for added antioxidant protection. Product notes: Every morning and evening massage a small amount of Surface Radiance Cleanse into damp skin and neck. For sensitive skin once a day or whenever a deeper cleaning is required. Simply remove with water and pat the face dry. GEBRAUCHSANWEISUNG Schritt 1: Jeden Morgen und Abend Surface Radiance Cleanse in die Handfläche auftragen und in das angefeuchtete Gesicht und Hals einmassieren. Schritt 2: Gesicht mit Wasser bespritzen und die Haut trocken tupfen. WARNHINWEISE Nur zur äußerlichen Anwendung. Lesen Sie das Paket für weitere Details. MehrAnzahl der einheiten: 1.0. Surface Radiance Cleanse. Surface Radiance Cleanse. Surface Radiance Cleanse. Surface Radiance Cleanse. Surface Radiance Cleanse.Medik8 Surface Radiance Cleanse