Maxybelt, design this new line of hair care, composed of Shampoo, Conditioner, Hair Mask and Capillary Thermal Revitalizing, as an alternative to provide strength, softness, shine, UVB protection and repair to all types of hair, especially fragile hair, mistreated and chemically treated.Con el uso regular de esta lÃnea lograra un cabello, protegido, sano y con un gran brillo natural. Estos productos, combinan células madres de origen vegetal, extracto celular de hojas de lilac, consideradas en la antigüedad como sÃmbolo de amor y fertilidad, aportan un gran brillo saludable y natural a su cabello. Maxybelt, diseño esta nueva lÃnea de cuidado capilar, compuesta por Shampoo, Acondicionador, Mascarilla Capilar y revitalizante Capilar Termoprotector, como una alternativa para aportar fuerza, suavidad, brillo, protección UVB y reparación a todo tipo de cabellos, especialmente cabellos frágiles, maltratados y quÃmicamente tratados. With the regular use of this line you will achieve a hair, protected, healthy and with a great natural shine. These products, combine stem cells of vegetable origin, cellular extract of lilac leaves, considered in ancient times as a symbol of love and fertility, bring a great healthy and natural shine to your hair. Maxybelt, design this new line of hair care, composed of Shampoo, Conditioner, Hair Mask and Capillary Thermal Revitalizing, as an alternative to provide strength, softness, shine, UVB protection and repair to all types of hair, especially fragile hair, mistreated and chemically treated.