Describe your products in 3 words.
Our mission is to make cleaning your brushes an easy and enjoyable task. Your time is important to us, and so is your health. With Luxe, we don't want you sacrificing either; so, we simply combined the two into one revolutionary device, making your life exponentially easier.
How did you come up with the idea for this product
My wife is a makeup artist, and she was asking me to come up with a solution how to clean all the makeup brushes that she uses. After doing some research I came to the conclusion that this is a product that every makeup consumer would love to use, not only makeup artists. The amount of bacteria that gathers on brushes is staggering, and since everyone wants to have clean healthy skin it is a no-brainer. After establishing the viability of the product I still had to come up with a solution how to quickly clean makeup brushes in an affordable manner. The only cleaners available in the market were big bulky expensive machines. After a couple of months research, I had an AHA! moment when he saw a house painter dry off a paint brush by twirling it back and forth in his hands. Once I had the concept it just took a few more months to have a working prototype. Fir funding I went to Kickstarter and launched our product there, the response was so positive we got our initial funding in under 48 hours. Once the product was ready for delivery we listed it on Amazon and to say that we cannot keep up with production is an understatement.
What makes your product special
We literally created the market in the US. The Luxe Brush Spinner cleans and dries your makeup brush in just a couple of seconds.
What has been the best part of your experience
Making a meaningful difference in people's lives. There's nothing more rewarding than receiving emails from happy costumers telling us that their brushes are clean once and for all.