Dredlok Tool Interloking Tool For Los Hir Tools Dredloks Interloks Or Sisterloks Essories brnd new nd high qulity Fetures: Funtion: dredloks tool fits niely in your hnd, wesome for miro, smll, medium or big los, smooth metl point llows you to penetrte dreds quikly nd esily Sve time: dredloks tool osts less thn single trip to slon, finish it by yourself whenever, sving your for time nd money, giving you more fun nd sense of fulfillment Smooth nd esy to use: this dredloks interloking needle does not sng or pull your hir, your hir lso esily lthes in ple by pushing your los into the smller prt of the loop hole on the tool, esier for you to do your hir Mteril: mde of metl mteril, non-slip, strong, exquisite nd durble to use. Notie: Plese keep this item out of the reh of hildren to prevent idents Speifition: Mteril: Metl Optionl type: B D E Optionl olor: Blk,Gold,Rose gold,Silver Size:pp. 6.2m 2.44in Quntity: 1 p Note: Trnsition: 1m 10mm 0.39inh No retil pkge. Plese llow 1-2m error due to mnul mesurement. pls mke sure you do not mind before you bid. Due to the differene between different monitors, the piture my not reflet the olor of the item. Thnk you! Pkge inludes: 1 x Dredloks Interlok Needle Tool(other essories demo in the piture is not inluded.)?Smooth and easy to use: this dreadlocks interlocking needle does not snag or pull your hair, your hair also easily latches in place by pushing your locs into the smaller part of the loop hole on the tool, easier for you to do your hair. ?Function: dreadlocks tool fits nicely in your hand, awesome for micro, small, medium or big locs, smooth metal point allows you to penetrate dreads quickly and easily. ?Save time: dreadlocks tool costs less than a single trip to salon, finish it by yourself whenever, saving your time and money, giving you more fun and sense of fulfillment. ?Please keep this item out of the reach of children to prevent accidents. ?Material: made of metal material, non-slip, strong, exquisite and durable to use..