International Products Have separate Terms, Are Sold from Abroad and May Differ from Local Products, Including Fit, Age Ratings, and Language of Product, Labeling or Instructions.International Products have separate term, are from abroad and may differ from local products, included fit, age ratings, and language of product, labeling or instructions.Target group: The generic braided hair levers are suitable for different women and girls of different ages, everyone can get a perfect occasion.Application: The jumbo-z pfe can be used to make different hairstyles, such as z pfe, z pfe, by cornering, normal colorful perceptions or Halloween-cosplay and party bodies.Specifications: l nge: 61 cm, approx. 60 cm: colors: 21 different Ombr -Color Obes, 2 colored ne and 3 bright colors, 1 pack Lt 6 borndel, 100 g ndel, an adult women have 8 110Material: 100 high-quality synthetic kanecalon fiber, heat test Ndig, very soft, no cancel or tangled.International products have separate terms, are sold from abroad and may differ from local products, including fit, age ratings, and language of product, labeling or instructions.International products have separate terms, are sold from abroad and may differ from local products, including fit, age ratings, and language of product, labeling or instructions. Zielgruppe: Die generischen geflochtenen Haarverlngerungen eignen sich fr verschiedene Damen und Mdchen unterschiedlichen Alters, jeder kann eine perfekte fr einen besonderen Anlass bekommen. Anwendung: Die Jumbo-Zpfe knnen zum Selbermachen verschiedener Frisuren verwendet werden, wie Zpfe, Zpfe, Percken, normale bunte Percken oder Halloween-Cosplay- und Party-Percken. Spezifikationen: Lnge: 61 cm, ca. 60 cm: Farben: 21 verschiedene Ombr-Farben erhltlich, 2 Farbtne und 3 bunte Farben, 1 Packung enthlt 6 Bndel, 100 g Bndel, eine erwachsene Frauen bentigen 810 Bndel. Material: 100 hochwertige synthetische Kanekalon-Faser, hitzebestndig, sehr weich, kein Ausfallen oder Verheddern.LDMY Jumbo Braiding Hair Extensions 23