?No alcohol adding. No chemical additives. Naturally brewed for more than a year by the traditional method which has been succeeded from 1853. Without relying on the machine, skilled professionals manage the quality and different fermenting conditions in each barrel with their honed eyes, nose, and tongue. ?Made in AKITA with simple ingredients(Rice, Sugar, Salt, Rice Koji), Made of 100 AKITA's rice. Located in northeast Japan, with its blessed climate abundant nature, AKITA is one of the finest places for rice cultivation and fermented foods on the earth. ?Steamed rice is additionally blended to make it sweeter, mellower, thicker, and stickier to an ingredient. Japanese Kanji "Kan" means freezing and icy. KAN KOJI is made in Tohoku, Japan during severe frozen winter. ?Very easy to cook. Just marinate with an ingredient. For meat seafood, you can enjoy the aging flavor by grilling. For fresh salmon or ham, you can use them for carpaccio or salad. For vegetables like cucumber, radish, cabbage, or lettuce, you can enjoy Japanese traditional style pickles "Tsukemono". ?Highly suited for aged beef, this KOJI is called "KAN KOJI", which is the Japanese traditional all-purpose umami seasoning of rice paste for an aging marinade. By just marinating beef, pork, chicken, seafood, or vegetables, it brings out the natural aging umami flavor of the ingredients, tenderizes their flesh, and also removes the smell of meat seafood. Recommended for AGED BEEF.