Features: -- Made from plant extracts which are natural, safe, mild and easy to absorb. -- Tighten stomach, abs, arms, legs and buttocks. Making you have a body building sexy body. -- Helps to Increase sweat, resulting in burning extra calories remover cellulite, also nourish and improve dry skin to make it smooth and tender. -- Also helps to get rid of toxins and stimulates weight loss which help boost your workout results. How to Achieve Best Results? 1. When you exercise and fitness, using this hot & slim cream with a waist trimmer belt to enhance the effectiveness of the fat loss cream. The heat will help to burn calories and trim the waist. 2. After shower, apply a liberal amount to your desired area. Massage gently, allow the skin to absorb it. You'll feel the heat after 15 minutes. Note: ? It maybe has a slight burning sensation when used, which is normal performance. ? Test a small amount on skin first before applying to larger areas. ? Wash hands after use. ? Keep out of reach of children and pets.?Note?Perform a small amount of testing on the skin before applying it to larger areas. This hot cream only takes a few minutes to heat up, Don’t use other moisturizer/lotions/oils before using this or it doesn’t do it’s job. Use this with a waist trainer everyday and do light workouts and long walks. You will weight loss much after a month. ?Body Shaping?The weight loss cream is quick and easy to absorb, helping to improve loose skin, tighten your body and create a perfect s-shape body curve like putting on a shapewear, make you more pretty, confident, charming and attractive. ?Weight Loss Cream? Pure body naturals anti-cellulite hot cream without any preservatives, natural formula helps in burning fats and accelerates the metabolism and weight loss process, suitable for all kinds of skin. Use twice a day (morning and evening, with continuous use for 2 to 3 months for best results.). ?Anti Cellulite Cream?This slimming cream has great effect on waist, legs, arms and firming abdomen. Refreshing lotion texture, clear and radiant, easy to absorb, moisturizing and nourishing skin to make it smooth and tender, helps to shape nice and attractive body. ? Natural Ingedients?Our fat burning cream contains 100% natural plant ingredients without any preservatives, which is skin-friendly, mild, healthy, safe and no irritation on skin, suitable for all kinds of skin.