Why Choose Athletes Foot Spray: Natural Athletes Foot Treatment Spray is good for your feet. -- It helps reduce swelling, increase circulation, relieve pain and improve feet smelly, burning, sweating, peeling, cracking. -- Safe and reliable,Organic herbal extract, refreshing, mild and non irritating ingredients. -- people who practice martial arts, lift weights, run, ride bicycles or teenagers, and people whose feet are dry, sweaty or stinky. How to use: 1.Cleanse your feet and spray our product twice a day. 2. Apply it to your shoes and socks once a day. Specification : Name : Furzero Medical grade nail fungus foot spray Weight : 50g / 30ml Instructions : External use Package list: 2Pcs/3/5Pcs × Furzero Medical grade nail fungus foot spray Warm tips: 1.For external use only. 2.Whenever feeling uncomfortable, stop using immediately. 3.Store the product in a shadowed place and avoid direct sunlight or high temperature.[ Easy to Use ] : Spray the spray on the affected area or your shoes and socks. Use consistently twice a day until symptoms are relieved or subside. [ Safe and Gently ] : Our athletes foot spray made from plant extracts, It is hypoallergenic, does not hurt the feet, and suitable for sensitive skin. [ Nourishing & Repairing ] : It can lastingly moisturize the skin of the feet, relieve dryness and peeling, keep the feet clean, and effectively improve your feet skin. [ Itch Relief ] : Athletes foot spray can help you quickly stop itching , making your feet clean and fresh. [ Furzero Athletes Foot Spray ] : It can most foot problems, including itchy and peeling feet, odorous feet, sweaty feet, dry and cracked calluses, and other symptoms. Providing you with a cooling and soothing feeling.