Vitamin B - Responsible for helping to convert the protein, carbohydrates, and fats you eat into energy. Vitamin B is also vital to the creation of transmitters that regulate emotion, which can influence your everyday mood.
Asian Ginseng Extract - The Asian Ginseng Leaf is full of powerful antioxidants that boost the immune system. It has even been shown to fight tiredness by increasing energy levels. Patients who ingest this extract daily for two weeks experience less physical and mental fatigue.
Green Coffee Extract - Shown to have a strong effect on weight management. This is because it contains antioxidants that reduce the absorption of fat and glucose in the stomach. Also, caffeine has been shown to increase the release of fat storage by 30 percent.
Ginger Root Extract - Ginger has many medicinal properties including whitening teeth, calming nausea, and helping with digestion. Perhaps the most important being the anti-inflammatory properties it has which help to ease muscle pain.
Apple Cider Vinegar Powder - Apple cider vinegar has long been known to add to a feeling of fullness. It has been shown that patients taking small dosages everyday are less likely to intake another 300-calorie snack at some point in the day.
Acetyl-L Carnitine Hydrochloride (ALCAR) - Helps move fatty acids into your cells to be burned for energy. Not only does this powder help recovery and prevent soreness but it also promotes brain function and a healthy heart.
Matcha Green Tea - Green tea is full of powerful antioxidants that are known to reduce oxidative stress, thus protecting your body from soreness and injury. It also boosts the process by which your body burns calories to digest food and produce heat.
Acai Juice Powder (AcaiVida) - Acai berries are nutrient dense and loaded with antioxidants. Antioxidants work to eliminate free radicals that cause damage to the cells in your body.
Cayenne Pepper Fruit Extract (Capsimax) - Cayenne pepper is a popular ingredient in weight management supplements because it decreases overall appetite while also contributing to a feeling of fullness. It does this by increasing the breakdown of fat for energy production as well as accelerating metabolism and increasing resting energy expenditure by 6 percent.
Black Pepper Extract (Bioperine) - Packed with antioxidants that work to keep your body healthy. It has anti-inflammatory properties that help with muscle soreness and boosts the absorption of nutrients, which is exactly what you want when ingesting all these vitamins.