Easy@Home has the most comprehensive and trusted urine dip card testing in the industry. It detects the most popular substances according to the FDA recommended cut-off levels. Substances tested for on the dip cards include a combination of panels to suit your needs.
Testing Tips
View Listing Description for panel cut-off levels for each particular combination.
- A faint test line (T Line), no matter how faint, is still considered a negative test result according to the designated cutoff level.
- Minimum and Maximum detection time refers to the length of time the drug can be detected in the urine, which varies on many factors. Please refer to the product instructions for specifics.
OPI 2000 detects a wide range of natural opiates, semi-synthetic, and synthetic opioids such as Morphine and Heroin, each at a 2000 ng/ml cut-off level and Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, Hydromorphone, Norcodeine at higher cut-off levels shown in the instructions .
MOP (OPI 300) tests OPI at a more sensitive rate of 300 ng/ml cutoff level and are used by many professionals. These Easy@Home tests include: EDOAP-6124, EDOAP-865, EDOAP-6125B, EDCOA-6125B.
FDA Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease