Description: Poria cocos is the dried sclerotia of Poria cocos (Schw.) Wolf of the Poria cocos family. Poria cocos are spherical, oblate or irregular lumps, varying in size, and weighing from two to ten jin. The surface is dark brown or tan, the outer skin is thin and rough, with obvious raised wrinkles, often with mud. Brewing Guide: 1. For dysuria, edema, phlegm retention and others due to retention of water within the body, it is often used with umbellate pore and water-plantain tuber,as in Powder of Five Drugs Including Poria (Wuling San). Since poria is neutral in property, it can be used for damp-heat and cold-damp syndromes in combination with other drugs. In cases of damp-heat syndrome, it is often used with plantain seed and manshurian aris-tolochia stem or cold-damp syndrome, it is usually used with lateral root of acon-ite and dried ginger for dizziness, palpitation, cough, and so on due to retention of phlegm, it is often used with cinnamon twig and white atractylodes, as in Decoction of Poria, Cinnamon Twig, Atractylodes and Licorice (Ling GuiZhu Gan Tang). 2. For lassitude, anorexia and loose stool due to deficiency of the spleen, it is always used with dangshen, white atractylodes and licorice, known as Decoction of Four Noble Drugs (Sijinzi Tang). 3. For fright palpitation and insomnia due to insufficiency of the spleen and heart, it is often used with dangshen,longan aril and wild jujube seed, Decoction for invigorating the spleen and nourishing the heart (Guipi Tang). For fright palpitation and insomnia due to phlegm retention in the interior or due to breakdown of the physiological coordination between the heart and kidney, it is often used with grass-leaved sweetflag and polygala root, as in Sedative Bolus(Anshen Dingzhi Wan). Dosage and administration: 10-15g, decocted in water for an oral dose.Three specifications: 250g 500g 1000g. Poria can nourish the body, suitable for the elderly and women to eat, and delay aging. Regular consumption of tuckahoe can improve the body?s resistance and can significantly prevent cancer cells from damaging the body, thereby preventing yourself from being troubled by cancer. Poria can diuresis and reduce swelling: it can promote the excretion of electrolytes such as sodium and potassium from the body, and relieve symptoms such as unsmooth urination. Poria can calm the mind, promote sleep, and improve restlessness.