Q: Who is Dr. NickI've never heard of him until now
Dr. Nick brings over thirty-five years of experience in both clinical patient care and management as a dental professional. He received his undergraduate degree in biology from the University of South Florida and his DMD from the University of Florida College of Dentistry. He is licensed by the Florida Department of Dentistry.
Dr. Nick is a member of the American Dental Association, the Academy of General Dentistry, the Florida Dental Association, the West Coast Dental Association and the Hillsborough County Dental Association. Dr. Nick has served as an expert witness for the Florida Department of Professional Regulations, as Peer Review Chairman for Hillsborough County and, was appointed by Florida Governor Rick Scott serving a two-year term with the Board of Dentistry
Q: What are the benefits of tongue scraping & why should I use a tongue scraper instead of just a regular toothbrush
Tongue scraping has many benefits.
ü Removes Bacteria
One of the most important benefits of tongue scraping is that it helps remove bacteria from your tongue. Brushing and rinsing alone only remove the outer layer of bacteria, but the cells beneath it still thrive. In fact, a study found that tongue scrapers can remove up to 79% more bacteria than brushing alone! Tongue scrapers remove Mutans streptococci and Lactobacilli, which can cause bad breath and dental decay.
ü Better Sense of Taste
Research from 2004 found that using a tongue scraper twice a day can improve your sense of taste! This can help you better distinguish bitter, salty, sweet, and sour tastes.
ü Activates Organs
You can awaken your internal organs by using a tongue scraper. That's right; eliminating the toxins that accumulated on your tongue overnight can help the rest of your body get started for the day.
ü Remove Excess Debris
You may notice that excess debris builds up on your tongue sometimes and takes a white, coated appearance. Daily tongue scraping can help remove this coating and keep it away for good.
ü Better Digestion
The process of digesting your food begins in your mouth. The enzymes in your saliva help break down your food for easy digestion. Tongue scraping helps activate those enzymes for better digestion.
ü Removes Bad Breath
One of the primary reasons people use tongue scrapers is to help with bad breath. By removing the bacteria that cause bad breath, you can kiss your morning dragon breath goodbye! Just keep in mind that it's best to use a scraper twice a day because scraping in the morning won't keep bad breath at bay for the entire day.
ü Boosts Overall Health
Your tongue is home to many kinds of bacteria. Some of these bacteria are good for you, and some are bad. By using a tongue scraper, you can remove the harmful bacteria and help boost your immunity. It will also reduce cavities and gum disease.
Q: Will tongue scraping affect my taste buds
No, not unless you use improperly apply heavy pressure.
Q: Will using this product hurt my tongue
No. As instructions advise, a light skimming motion with slight pressure is all that is needed to remove unwanted build-up and debris.
Q: I noticed these tongue scrapers are plastic. Are they made of recyclable plastic or just plastic
Our tongue scrapers are made from 100% recyclable plastic.
Q: I'm interested in trying tongue scraping, but I'm scared of gagging. Is there any way I can avoid gagging using this tongue scraper
Absolutely! Gagging is typically caused attempting to use your toothbrush to clean your tongue with too much pressure and or by touching your soft palate in the back roof of your mouth. Our Tri-Angle Dentist Designed tongue cleaner has a 74-degree angle so only slight skimming motion will effectively remove unwanted debris combined with a 24-degree angle that follows the anatomy of your tongue, so you get maximum reach without gagging. Its only fair to warn you – you will become hooked on our tongue cleaner and the much fresher breath you will achieve!
Bottom-line – tongue scraping will help your bad breath and remove bacteria, but it shouldn't be your only practice. The best way to keep good oral health is to brush and floss your teeth twice a day and use fluoride toothpaste.
You should also eat a healthy diet low in sugar and have regular cleanings and check-ups with your dentist to keep plaque off your teeth and gums. If your mouth symptoms get worse or your tongue is sore, talk to your dentist.