A proactive veterinarian, fresh pet food formulator and animal wellness educator and author, Dr. Karen Becker believes in a whole-pet approach in veterinary care, aiming to prevent disease through intentional lifestyle choices that result in vibrant health and vitality. She believes the art of medicine is not only about identifying the root causes of disease and degeneration in pets but also understanding ways to prevent the body from further damage by using innovative approaches to help unlock the innate potential inside each pet's unique body for healing to occur.
With more than two decades of experience, she helps millions of pets worldwide and as an integral part of Dr. Mercola Products, Dr. Becker helps to formulate wholesome Pet products that are specifically designed for your pet's health, vitality and overall well-being.
Entirely based on human, food-grade (NOT feed-grade) ingredients, our high-quality pet products are all developed with our three pillars of health approach in mind.
The Three Pillars of Pet Heath
1. Species-appropriate nutrition: Each animal must consume a diet that is biologically appropriate for his or her species.
2. A balanced, functional immune system: The immune system should be able to protect the animal from pathogens, yet not be overactive, leading to things like allergies and autoimmune disease. The key here is balance.
3. A sound, resilient body (frame and organs): Muscle tone should be good; body weight should be optimal; teeth and gums should be healthy; heart, lungs, kidneys, liver and other organs should be working efficiently.
All three of these pillars should be addressed for optimal health.
As you strive to take control of your pet's health, you can feel safe knowing that each of our products have been thoroughly researched and vetted by Dr. Becker and our team of scientists, engineers and product development specialists so that you can be certain you are purchasing truly premium products to help your pet live their healthiest life possible.