We have all been there, looking for that one flawless hair remover. You are probably are well versed with the war on facial and body hair and have experimented with tweezers, hair removal cream, laser hair removal, hair scissors, hair bleach, hair removal spray, safety razor and other hair cutting tools.
In actual reality, taking a multi-faceted approach with hair removal products maybe the best thing to do.
Our versatile dermaplaning tool is a brilliant compliment or substitute. It can be called by many names such as a microblade, eyebrow knife, face shaver, facial shaver, brow shaper, body hair groomer dermal blade, beard trimmer, bikini razor. Call it what you want, but one thing is for sure: It is one of the most dynamic facial skin care products to have in your cosmetic bag or makeup kit.
In addition to removing hair, they also act like a face exfoliator and body scrub to provide a clean base for absorption of your face makeup, vitamin c serum, moisturizers or other skin products.
These micro bladesshouldpart of your regular skin care routine.
Let's dive into how easy it is to use these derma plane facial razors.
Easy to Use Directions:
Step 1.Make sure the area is clean by using a face cleanser or face wash (or body wash if using on other area's of the body). Soften the area with face lotion, aloe vera gel or shaving cream if necessary. It may help the blade glide easier on the skin.
Step 2.With your thumb and fingers, pull on the skin taut.
Step 3.Glide the razor slowly in short downward strokes at a 45 in the direction of hair growth.
Step 4.Apply your favorite facial cream, face serum, body lotion or toner after completion.
Pro Tip:After completing step 3 above, go over the same area(s) but this time againstthe hair growth to achieve a greater exfoliate effect.
Another nifty benefit is that these razors can be used on other parts of the body where nuisance hair grows. They make a great addition to your other body skin care products. (ie. armpits, arms, neck, bikini hair removal, legs). They make the skin area smooth prior to applying body makeup, leg makeup or a tattoo.
Get one step closer to the radiant look and the bright tinkle with the skin feeling like silk after shaving.
This mulitpurpose mini razor is a must have for women, get it today.