Counter Assault Bear Deterrent has been an effective means of non-lethal protection from wildlife and bears since it was first developed, in conjunction with the University Montana, in the early 1980s. Dr. Charles Jonkel and Carrie Hunt of the University of Montana Border Grizzly Project generated the scientific data that proved Counter Assault's proprietary formula and delivery system successfully deterred bears from aggressive encounters in a non-lethal manner, and it has remained an integral part of many explorers' kits since.
Counter Assault began business operations in Missoula, Montana to market a bear spray in 1986. Since that time, National Park rangers, hunters, hikers, guides and others have carried the spray in the backcountry. Counter Assault Bear Deterrent is used worldwide by outdoor professionals, enthusiasts, and by Federal and State wildlife agencies. Because Counter Assault Bear Deterrent is lightweight, it is easily carried on the belt of a hunter, fisherman, or backpacker.
In June of 1998, Counter Assault became the first bear deterrent pepper spray to achieve US Environmental Protection Agency registration. Then, in December of that same year, the Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee, a group consisting of various US Forest Service, state agencies, and other government personnel, awarded Counter Assault the 1998 Grizzly Bear Stewardship Award for significant participation in the research and development of bear deterrent pepper spray. Counter Assault has continued their excellence in development and research and boasts bear deterrents that have the longest ranges for their product sizes. Counter Assault is an established leader in the bear spray industry with quality products that keep people and their families safe. Counter Assault bear spray is not only grizzly tough, it is POLAR BEAR tough.