?Warm tips? -- If you find a new product with grease stains and a little hair, please do not worry, this is the factory quality inspection done by our factory, you then clean up can be, we guarantee the quality and premium quality of all products. ?Professional Hair Clipper Set? -- Elevate your grooming routine with our hair cutting kit, a perfect gift for stylish men who value performance, mobility, and convenience. The hair clipper comes with 6 guide combs (1.5, 3, 4.5, 6, 9, 12 mm), USB charging cables. Upgrade your style confidently every day with our premium hair clippers. ?Extended Battery Life and Adjustable Length? -- Our cordless design boasts a high-capacity battery, providing up to 5 hours of usage with a mere 3 hours of charging time. The USB cable's compatibility with various chargers ensures maximum mobility and convenience. Additionally, the adjustable cutting length, ranging from 0.5 mm to 2 mm, guarantees a consistently fresh and stylish cut. ?Intelligent Digital LCD Display? -- Effortlessly monitor your clipper's performance with the built-in digital display, offering real-time information on remaining charge, charging status, and lubrication levels. The ultra-high-definition LED display equips you with all the details you need for optimal performance and achieving the perfect cut. ?Precision Carbon Steel Blade? -- Embrace the freedom to craft the perfect hairstyle with our cordless hair clippers. Featuring a precision carbon steel blade, our clippers effortlessly shape, outline, and create with precision. ?Quiet & Robust Rotary Motor? -- Experience the strength of our electric clipper's motor, designed to effortlessly cut through even the thickest hair, catering to both professional barbers and at-home users. Electric hair clippers can provide a more peaceful and comfortable haircutting experience by reducing noise levels.