Targeted Compression/Fixation Every single bra is designed with integrated and specifically targeted support and compression zones (Tytex ZoneTech. The zones consist of differentiated knitting structures, ranging from loose to firm. The location of the zones is based on indication for use as well as surgeons' and nurses' preferences. Each individual zone is placed to target and accommodate medical requirements for the best surgical result and the most comfortable recovery period. By differentiating the compression and support zones, the healing process is promoted and patient comfort increased as the compression and support on the treated site become targeted. | 4-way Stretch 4-way stretch means that the material in the bra will adjust naturally along with the patient's changing body contours after surgery. As swelling and de-swelling are the body's natural reaction to surgery, this product feature is invaluable, as it allows our bras to work with the body of the patient, ensuring superior fit throughout the entire recovery period. This is also a great advantage in case of a single breast surgery, as the bra will adapt to both the treated and the healthy breast. The reason is that the 4-way stretch provides superior expansion and contraction capabilities, ensuring that the material stays in contact with the skin at any time during recovery. The 4-way stretch also compensates for possible and natural differences in breast sizes and shapes of the individual woman. Through constant fabric-to-skin contact the product will provide the necessary compression and support needed for recovery, as well as the best possible comfort at all times. | Seamless Knitting For optimum healing, the surgery site needs rest. That is why our products are designed without seams in the wound/scar area, or at any other critical sites of the applied area. We say that our bras are real seamless. As an example our Carefix post-op bras have no seams in the cups, the sides, on the back and on the under bust band. This provides maximum skin friendliness and prevents pressure marks, as well as general irritation of skin, wound and tissue. In other words: 100% seamless knitting means faster healing, less scarring and higher patient comfort. | Fact-based Sizing Our size concept is based on statistical and proven body scans and measurements (known as body knowledge) and is closely related to our 4-way stretch material. Our 4-way stretch and size concept enable the bra to fit multiple sizes which is not the case with bras made of more numb (non-expansive) material. |