1-2 Months
Within your first three months of using Capillus laser therapy caps, the overall density of your hair may not change significantly. However, you may experience temporary hair shedding. This is normal, as your body is shedding weaker hair allowing newer, stronger hair to grow. In fact, this shedding is a sign that red-light therapy is working as intended. With the 6-minute daily treatment, you may expect to see noticeable improvements in both the density and quality of your hair.
3-4 Months
After a couple of months of using Capillus laser therapy caps, you may see less shedding and a slight improvement in the density of your hair. Download the Capillus App, keep track of and compare your progress by uploading an occasional "hair selfie."
5-6 Months
Around the half-year mark, shedding should have slowed down considerably, and you may see a noticeable difference in both the density and feel of your hair. Ensure optimal growth when you use Capillus' hair care line - specially formulated to help clean and nourish your scalp to promote healthier hair growth.
6+ Months
Regrowing hair with red-light therapy takes time. At this point, you should see a difference in your hair and your confidence. Integrate Capillus into your daily hair care routine to help maintain the hair you may have grown and all the future hair you could grow. Do not stop here, keep going and growing!