The yardage at a glance
Golf is a game of inches
It takes more than a slick gadget to make a scratch player, but if you're like us, you'll take any edge you can get! CANMORE GPS Golf Watches are exactly the edge you need—it’s time to take your game places!
Whether you are new to smart golf watches or are looking to try something new, CANMORE Golf Watches give you the data you need, when you need it, without getting in the way of the game.
Auto course selection
The CANMORE TW-353 automatically shows the top 10 courses nearest you when you start Golf Mode, meaning you can start golfing with no setup beforehand. (Note it is recommended to start Golf Mode as soon as you arrive at the course in order to give the watch time to connect with GPS satellites. The initial connection may take 3-5 minutes, while further connections will take 30-90 seconds.)